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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. more cause money. weekend rates for rentals and what not.
  2. is everything open? im going mid week anyway. not paying for that weekend mess.
  3. basically https://www.google.com/maps/place/Daylight+Donuts/@39.4851311,-106.0461727,3a,60y,89.74h,84.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDX03OJXuhxsA4-PfQFc07g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x876af6692d1d5c7d:0x10c4c0f1a92b1304!8m2!3d39.4852473!4d-106.0464643!6m1!1e1
  4. theres a second row of buildings behind main st breck. did some window cleaning on a few of them. literal doll houses. small ass rooms, small furniture, small doors. place is fake as shit.
  5. Meetup is retarded.
  6. theres no food car? thats anti weed. wtf
  7. Kinda hadd to die when youre going 10mph though
  8. You guys get all the way out to jh and still cant wait for peeps. Youre not at blue.
  9. I would clean the shit out of those windows
  10. Interesting. They drove him to pocono? Sounds like he was pretty much done already then.
  11. are you ever gonna learn how to use both skis to turn? stop using just your downhill edge. pizza pizza
  12. Warming up the cookies
  13. amazing window weather though. looking like some of my cold sales are turning warm. good stuff. getting work outside of philly now.
  14. You guys have a neighborhood email? That lot doesnt exactly say hoa
  15. Because hes the friend at bars that girls can latch onto for a night so they can have a good time and not feel threatened by other guys? Or something
  16. Wtf doug. You have absolutely no line do you?
  17. Sidewinder xl nintendo open?
  18. Are they 100%? Would like to get up before the end of feb. Rainin yo
  19. they had a singles deal for new years tubing.
  20. we did new years dinner last night at the edge yea. i got to penny pinch this year to buy a truck. except skiing hopefully.
  21. smh that was an excellent sentence
  22. Id visit it. With strong beer.
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