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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. Pipelines like this are above ground? Or no
  2. Only reason im not down wih grain is cause the bayou. Stupid experience there.
  3. Buckmans D O T Com
  4. All my boots have been 4 buckle. The bottom two are useless for me though so its 2 buckle. Idk what im doing i guess
  5. 3501 is pricier than dime? Hmm What about the hamilton kitchen?
  6. Dinner recommendations again? The dime is winning at the moment. 3501 is 2nd Was trying farm to table but the other party has already been to bolete.
  7. Who is this for? People actually livin the snow bum life? Cause i never cared about how special it was to live in a car Or people working in manhattan goin "wow people are crazy, wish i could do that" "If you got a house you got a boyfriend"
  8. Thats where i filmed my death metal music video.
  9. Yessir We might go there for the race. May 7th
  10. Nice glass. Click for full effect. Huge pics. Gettin ready for derby day.
  11. Serfass is in the article about the water park.............
  12. I just commented on that fact you fucktard
  13. Crazy. Serfass seems to be gettin some big projects. Theyre doing the tau building on 3rd and founders.
  14. Do tells us more douglas
  15. Oh damn We hit ft washington at like 4. Surprised it wasnt backed up there yet. Shits probably screwed now.
  16. Almost got stuck on the turnpike earlier. 343 was closed. Someone said dude died at the toll booth. Tp was parking lot
  17. If we just pumped shit into the ground that turns to oil after a couple decades we'd be good.
  18. I didnt know theres companies that exist solely because if corporate offices. Corporate flower tenders or whatever. They drive around and tend plants at offices
  19. So a natural gas line to move all the fracking products? Cool
  20. My "reclamation" couldnt even grow shade modified grass with fertilized seeds. The aloe i had in a pot died too. Im just puttin a hammock here.
  21. Biggest fuck up ever. It literally made me mad when i drove around up there to look at the hotel. Real grand, clean, expansive building with lots of thought into it. The water slide coming out of the building isnt clear.
  22. Shif, if someone wouldnt give you permission why would they forgive you? You catholic?
  23. I clean toilets at a top 10 place to work in the valley according to morning call. Literally good shit
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