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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. Yea toast...we were just playing tennis at liberty. It was starting to spin up. Awesome
  2. Those trailers scare me. How do those tiny things run over bumps on the highway without getting thrown over
  3. I remember this now. Good reality check.
  4. Move tubing to falls. Biggest run out ever
  5. One mcnuget is 17.5g 453/17.5= 26 26 nugs to a pounds. http://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/AverageRetailFoodAndEnergyPrices_USandMidwest_Table.htm So 3 times as much as good quality chicken from the store
  6. I know who you are.... You just havent been posting much lol At least not interesting stuff about hippy crystals and trailer man caves
  7. You need to post more. You seem interesting
  8. Is that a tampon joke
  9. What does that first sentence mean vt? Sounds sweet though
  10. Im intruiged.
  11. If they just blew snow and had them groom it out on the lots it would be an improvement
  12. Summer is my favorite summer of day
  13. Honestly what the hell is with you guys traveling around and drivin nice cars and being successful and shit
  14. There was a semi truck show somewhere today around 222 in kutztown. Lots if sweet trucks driving by. Plus a show at the ford dealer but whatev. Semi trucks yo
  15. Me too. Im pretty over the subie cult. Are you a young professional with a 5 day old scruff beard and a polo shirt that "piss better beer than you drink"? You got a subie. He shouldve got a bimmer like a normal person.
  16. Im more surprised he went to an audi. I knew something was... Different... About him
  17. airbag suspension? So you can enter lowrider contests
  18. I wonder what the deductable is on a 20 mil policy. Seems like 2 mil liabilty payout is pennies for what could happen to a large corp
  19. Good cause no one is gonna give you love
  20. Justo toast and trev are successful. Damn
  21. Why was this even a jury trial? I dont know law
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