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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. what side are you talking about here lololololol
  2. This thread should fall on the d.
  3. Getting ready to fake his own death?
  4. Does bear even hit any "limit" nowadays in the first place?
  5. I meant cause you're in Boulder. I'm drunk don't mind me.
  6. You could get away with not wearing them...
  7. Theres a bridge on 222 that advertises it i think. Thought it was out of Kutztown. Idk.
  8. is that the anthracite tour thing i always see advertised down there?
  9. French open is allowing spectators.
  10. Gun shows are the places you get guns immediately with no background check right?
  11. Watch reilly buy it for city center and give free season passes to residents.
  12. Maybe they'll put the old guns on barbs bush.
  13. Figured the train thread is the most historical place for this.
  14. I'm still down to get a season porto rental. I'll call blue soon.
  15. Yea! No more Jersey cars!
  16. If you were to see these driving down the road on a truck delivering cement what would your first thought be? Put them in a terrain park?
  17. Also saw this. Someone should tell blue. You could put it upright and burry it with snow.
  18. Not as exciting as Arizona but I saw this today. Didn't get to see it hit anything though
  19. Ain't where you been its where you at.
  20. go to kcr fool.
  21. as opposed to what?
  22. its the same shit from previous decades. When trump started talking about the end of the suburbs I was Iike wtf is this idiot talking about. Same shit about white flight from a while ago. Its getting old.
  23. Aren't you for bringing the man down? Riots and looting have a purpose.
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