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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. I can write boobies on a calculator
  2. I need a new business card. Suggestions?
  3. You know your phone can double as a computer and download files from a browser and not an ap.
  4. Watch doug get charged liked 5 times.
  5. Shame on that hospital though. Shouldn't let that happen.
  6. Maybe hes just a douchebag?
  7. I've now cleaned the new adp office and old adp office. And they're my payroll company. Neat.
  8. Disperse to the motorcycle thread.
  9. So they leave NY at 1240 and get into philly at 140??
  10. thats such a weird way of doing things.
  11. Bank buddies
  12. I just read bethlum and heckertown water report for whatever reason. You guys have spring water. We have surface water. Neat.
  13. Online sales. With no dmv. Like wut???
  14. We get out water from a fresh fed reservoir. We good.
  15. PA Ski and Facebook
  16. "The nicest nipple jewelry. Truly the best. Cant even begin to say how shiny they are. Amazing. You know China makes the best jewelry. I've seen it. Trust me. Been there. Going back soon to make even more deals."
  17. The Easter bunny drove around on a firetruck for 3 hours with a constant siren the other day. 3 hours. Constant siren.
  18. Just bought a box yesterday.
  19. Sales by phone? Participating stores only? Wow.
  20. I always thought it was interesting we will get fined for having bleach run down storm drains yet plow companies can dump literally tons of salt on parking lots. It's the same thing.
  21. Have we ever seen his shoes? You get old enough and use velcro.
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