then its settled...
you dont need a helmet because your head is small compared to the rest of your body, so you have a greater chance of hittim something besides your head. and you only use 1/3 of it, so its not very use 100% of you fingers/arms/legs everyday.
my helmet probably isnt the best looking in the world. but they say its pretty safe, which is all that matters really. i got a marker omega series. feels like a pillow on my head.
i might wear my skate helmet this season with a beanie under it...anybody got opinions on that? good/bad/safe?
just traded it to some kid in jay peak for a 2006 burton phantom. say what you want about that jacket, but its not a puffy, and thats all that matters.
no, its practically brand new. theres two little tiny white mark from a chair on the bottom though. you wont even notice it if youre not looking for it, or dont kow where it is.
if i can find batteries il take a bunch of pics right now
wait, where does it say anything about using the winch cat to build steep landings? they got the park passes, they got a huge pipe, they got a new groomer...but whos qualified/skilled in park building?