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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. That's wild enjo.
  2. Probably Rodney's crew
  3. I'm supposed to hand deliver xmas cards to select clients Thursday.
  4. I dont see how you can bump main and not pay attention. That shit whips around. If you cant see the danger in that go sit on the 6.
  5. Its funny cause you can use the fat from dead seals as wax to seal envelopes.
  6. Telling the idiots that line up for rope drop is completely different than telling FB.
  7. I know those skis.
  8. I almost bought whatever level that is with the bar. I'd still like to get season tickets just cause
  9. drunk already
  10. sounds like they planned that stadium area perfectly.
  11. Shadows

    Elk Day 2020

    For real though the 17th wont work.
  12. Best member
  13. If you charged your girlfriend rent you could go during ski season.
  14. Shadows

    Elk Day 2020

  15. Shadows

    Season Opening

    While I be sippin gin straight in a plastic cup.
  16. I'd like to ski soon.
  17. Get torqued brahhhh
  18. And tags a person who never posts.
  19. Cool
  20. Damn. Guess our tree just wont be lit.
  21. I know this now.
  22. Got all the lights on the tree yesterday and none of them work. Thinking of buying LEDs now. Whose idea was it to put filaments in xmas lights.
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