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About lilpeterr

  • Birthday 02/03/1994

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Burton 08' DOM 46 Burton Custom Bindings 08 Ride Anthem 08
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  • Location
    Broomall, PA
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lilpeterr's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. I really want to go, too bad I don't have a ride :[. My friends told me about a huge kicker where the half pipe is.
  2. Will be there in 12 hours! Super stoked because it is my first time at bb and first day of the season (for me). :]
  3. I will be there! Never went to boulder.
  4. Wow great job! Looks time counsuming. I love the 360 pictures!
  5. Doug I think I saw you on Razor. =P I wow very suprised that it was that icy. I saw many people fall down razor and just kept on going down, unable to stop. Challenge looked very icy and 1/3 of monguls that was left, didn't attempt. Come-around park looked it was most damaged. Jumps were like 1/2 the size. My youth group arived around 9ish. I forget. I saw some little bits of the competition. I saw lots of huge air. The lift lines were short. No more than a 4 minute wait. I guess because the terrible conditions. Lots of whistling on Burma. good job of running away from the redcoats =P
  6. Dang. I saw some crazy stuff. 1080s I think. They got huge huge air. =O
  7. hehe snow on the butt
  8. Dang I am tired of crowded saturdays=[. Last year I dont remember half the lines for lifts.
  9. Like 3 weeks ago when I went to Camel I arived at like 10. I waited for 24 minutes to get a lift ticket
  10. I was so tired from yesterday that I could'nt write one. I am so sore right now and got a cold =[. I was spouse to arive there around 8 but bad roads and people arriving late to leave and pits stops(wawa).I got there around 10:30ish, really really cold outside. It was snowing lots through out the whole time I was there (10:30-5:00). I lost my bandana so my face was all red and hurt real bad. The best trail was lazy mile, powdery and a little icy. Dreamweaver was really really icy I was so shocked that It could be that icy. I guess the wind pushed the snow away or something. Mainstreet was packed powder/powder. The snow made everything look so pretty. I got my nose press, nolie and almost my 180 down. Driving home was slow cause the weather wasn't getting any better. Lifts were not crowded like last saturday. I guess people were worried about the roads and what not. I was about to upload photos from my phone but got midterms and homework. Probally sleep early tonite.
  11. haha nice text boxes =P
  12. rawr blue vs boulder!
  13. eww no way? Where diid that happen?
  14. Is that like the white tiger at blue?
  15. Can't you just buy a day ticket and keep rideing untill 10 as long as you don't back to the lodge? Is that agaist the law or something?
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