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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Does Camelback still do the Camelcard discounts, or are they Just the 3 for $99 deal? I can't remember if that's called something else... I find it pretty money conscious to get a discount card if they offer them. I get the Ride and Ski New England one since it offers a bunch of mountains, and the free lift ticket usually covers the $29 cost...
  2. Well said... It's a necessary evil in PA to have a season pass if you don't have much dough... That being said, Moe said he won't have an sp this year because he is buying a house lol
  3. Yeah, I get all that... I was just wondering how he pulled the number 3 out of mid air...
  4. What formula did you use to get to that number?
  5. Hadn't heard of him, but on a quick check of him, the dude could shred. Definitely sucks to go that way. They dont put out warnings before triggering avalanches?
  6. Around the clock snowmaking will be here soon... I hope it starts this Wednesday... Maybe I'll have a good shot at making turns next Monday...
  7. I'm sure the wind has something to do with a high/low pressure system. That being said, seriously, WTF is with this weather? I'm totally ready for some cold and some snowmaking...
  8. I have 2 rock boards and I am thinking of making my own...
  9. Same thing about being a tourist... It's a mentality...
  10. I should be heading up sometime in the next couple weeks to drop some stuff off if I find a place to stay. Conditions permitting, I should be starting the first week in December. I hope to move up sometime the week after Thanksgiving. I know that there has been no early season at Mt. Ellen in years, but that doesn't take away from the fact that its lift setup, elevation, and terrain is much more suitable to early season. They made the decision to concentrate on Lincoln Peak when Win took over and have done significant upgrades over there, especially in the base area and snowmaking departments. It has become a nice area over there. That being said, Mt. Ellen definitely needs some TLC. Everything else seems to be in place for what the expect from it, which is an auxiliary mountain area. Great terrain there though...
  11. I basically said this, but I guess you added some trail names I wa too lazy to hunt down, so I guess I'll allow it... Bush actually has one of the best early season setups in the Northeast over at Mt. Ellen, but Win has repeatedly said business levels haven't warranted a shift to start the season there, especially since the Bush has not linked their snowmaking systems from Lincoln and Mt. Ellen and most of their upgrades in recent years have been at Lincoln...
  12. I can't seem to find any info that Stowe has started making snow, but I wouldn't doubt it... Unless they get better weather soon, it is going to be tough for Sugarbush to open the 19th. They have a decent elevation which helps, but they strongly rely on natural snow and don't have the same snowmaking arsenal other mountains do. Last year they only had one fan gun with one electrical outlet at the base so that they could test it out for future buying considerations. I believe they decided against it. They do have a decent mid mountain set up that allows them to blow snow up top and upload/download early season. Last year they went this route and opened 2-3 trails for thanksgiving. The only downside was that they seemed eager to expand up top before going T2B although they had the temps to expand downward. They weren't T2B until early December while Some PA resorts were even open. I don't know what the reasoning is there, but once they were T2B things really took off. It will be interesting to see their plans this year.
  13. It's not hate when it's true Doug...
  14. That would be the winter of 08-09... River had close to 40 and 3 peaks open... Killer early season for sure... I'm still trying to get some runs in before T-Day and I'm thinking the River should be open T2B by the 21st if the long range continues to trend the way it has been the past couple days... Smartass could be right, and we could get the cold front we need just before T-Day...
  15. Common misconception... In PA maybe, but at most places I went to last year in NE, I encountered mostly dry snow... They really know how to dial it in... That being said, some snowmaking is incredibly wet and sticky... Just got to be careful lol
  16. I'm guessing "try" means she didn't land it lol
  17. Awesome!!! You snagging an SP somewhere or are you day tripping it?
  18. Hit me up if you indeed do make it up my way. Just don't skip it over for SL or SB lol
  19. Where should we all camp out with our signs?
  20. Got the job!!! Home mountain this year will be Sunday River lol
  21. Maybe thats where i saw it... I remember seeing a couple fan guns blowing at the top of some intersections, but definitely no air/water guns...
  22. Still waiting. Should hear back any day. I'll be sure to post it, don't you worry lol You still ski at Blue a fair amount, but with his dwindling days at Blue over the past couple seasons, GSS could move to Florida and just fly out to Jackson Hole when need be. There is probably a pretty good market for tombstones too...
  23. As promised, patience is a virtue... It appears that colder temps will set in near the end of next week... Lots of resorts will be turning on the guns... Possibly BB...
  24. Sorry for the threadjack, it just happened to be the thread I noticed Doug's 2nd bailout in...
  25. Never been to BC, so I can't comment, but in college I went all the time to CB and NEVER saw snowmaking on open terrain. I know they did it very rarely after a freeze thaw or nair event, but those times were extremely rare and were advertised on the conditions page with bold lettering and all in caps lock which means its rare... I haven't been to Blue as often, so I can't comment that much, but the only place I've ever seen it being made on open terrain is at the top of lazy mile. That being said, I know it's rare there too... It may happen, I'm not saying it doesn't, but I feel that it's much rarer than we are making it sound. I could be totally wrong though...
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