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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. What's the point? Is there anything negative to being negative?
  2. But it's still losing...
  3. Seriously? Somebody gave Doug a bonus 1,000 positive posts again and for what reason, I have no clue, but he is already running through those like clockwork...
  4. What about "all" the rest of the ski areas? It is typical for Blue to have a gun on, especially that fan gun at the top of Lazy Mile since it is a high traffic area. Truth be told, I've never seen them "need" a gun there. I guess need is a subjective term, but it wasn't necessary.
  5. I just bought two new replacement pairs of Red Burton Bomber laces. They seem to disappear early in the season, so I need to get them now in case the old ones break, which could be sooner than I like
  6. Doug, you know as well as me that this is not the case. If that were the case we would see a bunch of PA resorts opening on a 10" base and then blowing snow during the day while they were open. I think the key word of "all" was misplaced in this situation. I have seen snow being blown on open terrain very rarely in PA. It just doesn't happen that often, and most of the time, some trails need it.
  7. I'm not defending him at all, I'm just stating the facts... PASR loves a good flame war... Nothing more nothing less... He seems to be doing just fine with the hate... Hate on...
  8. Most of the times, that is also the case...
  9. I don't know what it is that makes them do it, or why they do it, but they definitely love to drink their hatorade... This is probably why the site has trouble appealing to a larger base... I trolled the site years before I joined, and sadly, it's always been the same... Neutrality is the key to survival lol
  10. Yeah... I got carried away... Close ish, but definitely not the same... They still won't let my kind go to the MRG lol
  11. You know what I got out I that video? Sometimes they make snow on open terrain...
  12. Now all we need is to score our condo at the Bush for next season, and then we can have some serious PASR parties in the MRG...
  13. It's been a seasonal sauna north of PA... I'm freaking out man!!!
  14. I think we all know that nowhere is safe unless it's Jackson Hole...
  15. Wasn't it Santa that used to trash Sno 24/7?
  16. At this rate nobody in PA will be open before Christmas... This weather blows lol
  17. We all know that I jones pretty damn hard and start complaining about weather pretty early in the season, but even with my jonesing through the roof, I wouldn't go for either of those offerings either. I can't stand crowds and am fortunate enough to be able to board mostly on weekdays. When I go boarding, I go to board, not wait in a line with the rest of New Jersey.
  18. Im glad your meeting went well. I am eagerly awaiting their press release around the first of December. I'd love to hear their side instead of a bunch of speculation. I'm still hoping the fix will be permanent...
  19. It's definitely tough to beat a snowmobile...
  20. Or some patented GSS freestyle...
  21. If it wasn't sold, then they must have taken on an investor or gotten another cash payment from the parent company. This will "fix" the problems though lol
  22. An unseasonably warm stretch is coming, but it's not here yet... It's cold out there right now... 28 with a light wind... Guns going on T2 and Upper and Middle Sunday Punch... Testing guns on Monday Mourning... Got to base last night, but it's a light covering...
  23. Isn't getting it fixed before you use it kind of in reverse?
  24. I've got a feeling that sustained cold is right around the corner...
  25. Guns are back on at the River!!!
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