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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. I think it changes... Could be that one day and not the next...
  2. I dunno... I'm sure other people from here have been to Snowshoe, but its rare to see someone on this board that has... I have been there twice, and the story with them is always the same. It can be awesome or it can be terrible. They have great elevation and receive great lake effect snowfall (180 in average with some years over 225 in), but their latitude and longitude make them very susceptible to freeze thaws. They will have years when they receive 5-6 feet before Christmas (like the last two years), or barely have any trails open by Christmas (7 trails in 03-04 if my memory serves correctly). The first time I went was in January of 2000 after a freeze thaw, and they had some bare spots and some very icy spots. By the end of the trip it was pretty nice since they had been making snow around the clock and groomed like crazy. The second time I went in 04 they had negative wind chills with real temps in the low teens, but they were blowing snow and had 2 feet plus of fresh snow. Conditions were epic and it was blower pow. They definitely get some pretty dry powder there. I have not been since they added the gladed trail and new high speed quad. However, if they got dumped on like they have the past couple years, it sounds like it could be a good early season locale. So, the moral of the story is that it can be hit or miss.
  3. Well, instead of continuing the "Light at the End of the Tunnel" thread, I personally think that October warrants its own thread. In October we will see our first snowmaking of the season (out west and in the east), we will most likely see some October openings (Loveland, A Basin, Sunday River, and Killington), fall foliage in full effect (if it isnt already), daylight savings time, raking leaves, buying season passes, SexKitten haunted house trip reports, football every Sunday, and whatever else I'm missing. We will also see our first significant snowfalls of the season. While Mount Washington and Cannon Mountain had dustings on September 29, Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia (cue John Denver song) has reportedly received several inches (up to 6 at the peak). I saw a picture of the village covered in snow, but didnt have the time to transpose it here. If anyone else can do that quicker than me, that would be sweet. Key the Stoke!!!
  4. Why? You make it there once or twice a year... PASR day at JF and maybe early season at BB...
  5. Its like a never ending carousel of owners claiming to open it... I'm surprised they even found somebody else to pick it up... I hope they can make it happen, but I also will believe it when I see it...
  6. Are most of them not built out enough to have the maintenance turned over to the homeowners?
  7. If I don't go to Maine to work Ski Patrol, then I'll be there... Looking forward to it... As for the vert, I agree... Elk definitely doesn't have anything technical other than the bump runs... I go for the cruisers... Wouldn't mind some changes in my PA mountain routine...
  8. I can see it now... Great advertising... "Live in Newark? Want to get away but feel at home? Always dreamed of a cheap vacation home? For the small price of $38,000 and the possibility of being shot, your dream can come true!!!"
  9. So is the place actually a ghetto or looks like a ghetto, or it's inhabitants act ghetto? Not around a ski area? Right now all I am getting is that it's a piece of crap lol
  10. I haven't been to JFBB, so my comment was unfounded at best... I was just referring to the vert (and then it would be larger by about 150'). I have already stated I wouldn't pay for an Elk season pass. It really is too expensive for the "gnarly" terrain, if we want to call it that lol. If I were to get a pass between Elk or JFBB and lived between the 3 of them, I'd probably take JFBB because of the early season offering, varied terrain between the two mountains, and their close proximity. I can't justify $735 for Elk. I haven't checked, but I'd imagine not even Springs or Blue Knob is close to that price. I'll make it a point to get to JFBB next season so I can at least compare the mountain terrain to Elk's. Right now I only compare it to Blue, Shawnee, Sno, and CB because that's where I've been. A comparison between pass cost and terrain would be a better indicator but is just not possible due to my lack of first hand riding at JFBB. And JFBB may have a step up there because of on map legal glades. I'll have to check it out. Not trashing the mountain or it's terrain, just the vert. Short sighted and duly noted.
  11. May have been updated then, but it looks to be in decent shape... I've heard of Tobyhana, but what the hell is it around?
  12. The truth hurts... I know...
  13. That's only 5 nights worth of skiing or boarding... Seems worth it... They will probably allow it on late season weekends also... Not a guarantee, but they've done it before...
  14. That is an awesome deal... Definitely another downside to Elk... Only one season pass... All or nothing...
  15. They brought that back that cheap? If you stacked BB on top of JF, it might compare...
  16. No argument there... We have a much smaller profit margin due to snowmaking costs and infrastructure, so I would expect to see some higher season pass prices... It's never going to change, but it would be nice if it would... Gets more ridiculous every year...
  17. Elk is a good mountain to be locked into if your a weekend skier, but at that price, with travel costs, it's expensive for sure... Its a shame that someone in the Poconos hasn't created a joint pass or discount card... They had one in the skillz a couple years ago that seemed to work well. I don't think they offered it last season...
  18. I don't know what I expected it to be, but that sounds respectable. What's Blue's? Anyone?
  19. Snow quality is definitely better at Elk all around... No question. Cost per run is probably less at Blue since high speeds allow for more runs. It also pays for an SP since Elk doesn't offer many discounted tix at other venues. That being said, still my favorite in NEPA. At least the day tix are comparable to other mountains. I wonder how many SPs they sell a year at Elk compared to other area mountains with a closer population base...
  20. Definitely isn't cheap. I'm more concerned about "upgrades." Did they post that with the SP? Unless I lived right beside the mountain, I would have trouble justifying $735... And I am one of the biggest Elk fans ever. As long as they break even and stay open I am happy, but if I had been a long time SP holder, I'd be depressed over that price... Half the price of Sugarbush and not Sugarbush...
  21. If I could +1 that from my phone, I would... First positive thing you've said in awhile lol
  22. I'm always for an area coming back... Just hope enough traffic comes by without a lift...
  23. Rockport... Or Friendship...
  24. Leaves are changing pretty well here on the coast of Maine... First couple days the temps were on board with the seasonal average in the low to mid 60s with 50s at night... It's been mild the past couple days, and the next couple even more so... Back in the 70s with low 60s at night... Temps look to be back to normal in the upper 50s with lows around 40 by the end of next week... Hopefully someone will pull out a Halloween day lol
  25. Where you riding? Go Indy grabs... Right down between the legs with the back hand... Very easy and a great center of gravity...
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