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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Was there anybody legit there this year?
  2. What is the exact definition of sickbird? My spellcheck is telling me it isn't a real word... lol
  3. Scared Ross away too...
  4. I didn't know it was going on... Blue Crew dropped the ball there lol
  5. When does Whitefish usually open? They open earlier than projected most years?
  6. Nah... This is East Coast... September snowmaking test and October snowmaking and I'm happy...
  7. That's good news... I wonder if any of the proposed expansion area was included in the sale papers...
  8. And we are in to August!!! The western mountains should be seeing snow at the top of the peaks by the end of the month!!!
  9. They could blow snow in the trees like Pat's Peak, NH...
  10. How many days does JFBB blow a year? Anybody know? I feel like it would get scratchy quick in there...
  11. I just got my first Snowboarder mag this past Monday... Just about 3 months till some East coast riding!!!
  12. I love hearing about improvements... Lots of resorts should be rolling out their improvements in the coming weeks... Hopefully there is enough blow over to make those glades skiable a good portion of the season...
  13. Yeah... I don't consider many daily prices to be fair unless they are discounted lol
  14. As long as we have inflation the price will continue to increase... However, Bear Creek seems to be pretty fair in their pricing, so I think you guys are still winners...
  15. I need new boots... Tough to part with the pair I've had... Going on their 5th year...
  16. And that's definitely not my lifestyle... Too frantic and stressful going from job to job for me... I'm just doing it to experience something new before I settle down...
  17. Alright, in case anyone missed this at some point (which some have)... I help run my family business... I will not be giving that up... This will be a one, MAYBE two year WINTER job... This is not a career change... I will also be working while at the mountain and may need to return if circumstances dictate/allow... I have been out west in March 08 when Steamboat broke their record, Whistler, Keystone, and Loveland... I've got nothing against it... Each to his own... I will regret not working at a ski area at all... Whether it's in the East or West I really don't care... I love the East Coast and I love traveling out west... That's about it... If I do this and get the itch to go west next year, then maybe I will...
  18. That's good to hear... I was hoping to make it up there today to lounge around and try it out, but my plans ended up falling apart... I hope it does well and they can finally invest in some much need ski area improvements... I wonder if their skier visits were up this last year?
  19. That's what I've heard also... It's always the CEUs that are the pain in the ass... Glad to hear that EMT wasn't super difficult... Hopefully I'll pass the WFR... It only requires decertification once every 3 years lol
  20. To where? All I've got is a regional airport... Factor in drive time and security lines, and it's not terribly longer...
  21. I like the East Coast, the West Coast is hardcore, and I am not leaving my job at home... I will still have to do some work on my off time at the mountain including driving home every once in awhile to take care of some things...
  22. I also need to grab a pair of boots... I'm waiting on buying pants until I figure out what color each ski patrol requires... Most I'm guessing are black...
  23. Yeah, I completely understand... Really, I just want to try it out... To be 100% honest, I know its tough work, and I know I'm starting out on the bottom... I'm cool with that... If its not for me, I'll try out something else... I'm sure I'll keep you all up to date on how it plays out...
  24. It's that time again... I said I wasn't going to by any new boards this year, but my 5 year old Raven is finally starting to get pretty beat up... She may only have one more base grind left in her... That being said, I picked up a Burton T6 for a groomer shredder... 2010 model (now sold as the T7) brand new for 40% off... I've wanted one for a couple years and just couldn't justify it...
  25. If I get paid, I get paid... If I don't, then I'll find a different job to pay for my living lol... I'm pretty open... I COMPLETELY understand that WFR is not EMT or OEC, and doesn't teach you entirely the same things... All I can tell you is that I have contacted these mountains and they accept WFR as a means of certification for their ski patrol... Unfortunately, time is short and if I want to do it this year (as business obligations at home grow), then this is my best option... If I am able to do it again next year I will pursue EMT at home or OEC up north... As a disclaimer, I am not getting defensive, I am just stating what I know of the before mentioned mountains... If they will take WFR, and that is what I can get this year, then I'll go with that and worry about more intense training later...
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