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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. I guess its awesome that they are opening the tubing park with a park, but I would have rather seen some trails instead of the same thing they did last year... The park doesn't do much for most people and doesn't really bring the crowds... And they can dispute it all they want, but they are blowing on all the typical opening trails and would have had pretty decent coverage... I would bet they don't open the mountain until next Friday at the earliest... Thanks for keeping us updated Ross... Make them see the light!!!
  2. Yeah, the cams are showing them still blowing on Freedom and Boulder, and the coverage looks significantly better than yesterday even though they don't appear to have built any large mounds... I would almost guarantee that Boulder Park will open for skiing and riding on Saturday... But Freedom today sounds logical...
  3. So does Split Rock... But they got rid of their lift and snowmaking lol
  4. I know... I'll be in Maine, so this weekend is out... However, the next weekend may be in play... Probably hitting somewhere in the Skillz or south with Out Cold...
  5. If you look very closely at the top of the Boulder Cam, it looks like there is a snow gun going... My guess is that they are in the process of turning the guns on as we speak...
  6. Guns at the base of Hunter are now back on as of 4:45...
  7. So weak... I mean seriously, the mounds they had blown this morning plus additional snow made tonight and tomorrow night easily could have put them in the running with a twelve inch base... Weak sauce... Looks like its going to be Boulder again for you guys...
  8. I just by chance happened to be looking at the webcam several minutes ago... They groomed out freedom around 4:15 and began making snow at 4:30...
  9. They combined all of the central and western resorts into one thread because of a lack of posting...
  10. Not yet it isn't... But I wouldn't count them out...
  11. Winds still kicking up there? It has really calmed down here...
  12. They had guns going on Big Boulder Park this morning...
  13. Guns are off at Boulder... It is definitely safe to say that the trail has gotten a little narrower since the little NCP event...
  14. Hunter is definitely not my first choice... I would much rather board at Belleayre... I like the bankruptcy old school not sold out vibe... And I like the separation of trails...
  15. They took down the high speed quad this year and replaced it with a 6 pack steeze... Duh...
  16. 11:15 and guns are already off at the base of hunter... Probably start them back up early afternoon when temps start to drop... Root, do you know if they replaced the old west side quad with the old high speed that was replaced with the 6 pack? I know there were rumors of rebuilding it and moving it over there, but they haven't updated their trail map and I can't find anything on it...
  17. Looking at the pictures they posted from this morning, they have some decent mounds... If they get good production today and tomorrow, I think Saturday is a definite possibility...
  18. Yeah, I know it sounds optimistic, but I was there day after opening day last year and they went from 11 trails at open to 30 by close, so I wouldn't count them out on anything... Especially since a bunch of those trails off the peak are just little connectors to that main run that they are blowing on now...
  19. Hunter finally manned up and turned the guns on... Guns were on mid mountain to summit at about 9:30... They have since turned on guns at the base... For those of you who want some good terrain closer to home, check it out this weekend... I'm sure they will have 15 plus trails by Saturday... If you want less crowds, go to Belleayre... But not as much terrain...
  20. I'm hoping they will start updating their picture of the day more often now that the season is upon us... If Boulder is making snow, I am sure that Elk has the guns back online also...
  21. Boulder has the guns back on, so I would imagine the other resorts will follow lead as temps drop throughout the day...
  22. Its ok, Blue will rebound... They will surely open by Christmas
  23. I won't be able to make it, but I expect every mountain, and every one of you, to take advantage of this here weather...
  24. That sounds awesome... Wish I could be there, but I will probably be well on my way to Maine by then... Hopefully we will have another PASR day with snowboarders only tailgates later on in the year...
  25. I'm guessing this means the walk from your car in the parking garage all the way to the tables at the casino and back... And for the upper body, a few of those little Miller Lite cans you love to drink
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