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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Root, where's my TR?
  2. I agree... I'm sure this heavy r&*n will wash most of what they made away, but the temps should be able to cooperate for a weekend opening... I'm more worried about how boulder will hold up since they groomed it out and Jeff himself said that the base was adequate, but thin...
  3. No kidding... When I went with the crew to CB 2 years ago, I was "riding" solo...
  4. 4th is possible depending on their current coverage... Anybody seen it?
  5. Steeze hit the nail on the head... Mountain Creek is a shitshow... Take your life in your own hands going there... Good park scene though... Skillz are way better then the Poke n Hoes as Steeze likes to call them... Probably the same distance... Go there...
  6. That will make Root happy... He's a Windham fanboy if I remember correctly... But he's at Belleayre today!!!
  7. Thats awesome news for you guys... Two good days before the NCP... Then hopefully trail expansion mode by the weekend... Get out there and get it boyz!!!
  8. Those glades still make me laugh my ass off... Is this the new deal? Reduced snow so we count on overblowing to fill them in? Not that there is enough snow on a consistent basis to keep them open off natural... Awesome idea though... Hope it works...
  9. Were they doing any snowmaking Dan?
  10. As much as we like to joke about it, there are definitely more important things in life than getting out on the snow... I hope she feels better and gets better soon Moe!!!
  11. I get less nerdy every year... I guess thats a good thing... In the past this stuff would have been easy...
  12. The buds, or the bud?
  13. Finished my 2010-2011 purchases tonight... Makes me feel alot better knowing the only thing I need to get next year are new boots and a pair of spring pants... I just picked up Burton Mission EST bindings, K2 Formula Bindings, Burton Poacher Insulated Pants, and 2 Channel Mats for the ICS system... Feeling good and ready for the snow!!!
  14. I would have been the worst RA ever... I don't think I would enforce anything unless it was a serious safety violation... I'm sure I could figure it out, I just know I'll fuck it up the first couple times lol... I was a business student Jeff... We are held to different standards... You know that...
  15. I got me a camera this year and I plan on taking detailed pics of TRs... Hopefully AJeff can explain how to embed so I don't football bat it...
  16. Last year they had one or two setup on the skiers left of Onteora near the lift... Don't know about this year... I'm guessing yes, but I couldn't say for sure...
  17. With a 3rd trail, that seems like a good call Moe... If I werent going up north the following week, I would try to get up there too...
  18. So, PASR day?
  19. Looks like a steady couple inches of coverage... I'm sure they will open next weekend with that depth... If they keep it through the storm... But according to weatherman Steeze, the rain won't hurt and we will be good to go!!!
  20. As long as it isn't like that one year 02-03? where CB only had one trail open Christmas week, I'll be just fine lol
  21. No confirmation on their website, and not that anyone cares, but their cam shows snow on several slopes...
  22. I think Onteora is actually open from the top to the bottom of that lift... Coldest temps would have been at the top barring an inversion... Website doesn't show them making snow on anything else right now, but knowing how they update their website, I am sure they are working on some other terrain during the day while the mountain is open...
  23. Looks like Blue's climate decided it was time for snow last night... Hopefully this rain won't wipe it all out... We don't want to discourage Barb from making snow early in the season in the future!!!
  24. CB and JFBB are likely making the push for next weekend, but I don't see it... I'm thinking more of Dec 10-11th weekend...
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