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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Yeah, you would think they would go with the Camelback approach... 55 Gallon drums and some plywood... Much quicker/cheaper/more effective...
  2. Hunter and Windham to open Thursday, Belleayre top half now top to bottom (not just midstation)... Belleayre hopes to be T2B on Saturday...
  3. Root, let me know if your at Hunter... Moe and I will be there, so maybe we can link up...
  4. Anybody else take a look at Cb's snowmaking agenda? I know the last warm season we had (06-07?) they had a different snowmaking plan for the mountain (no Marjies, Cleo, and Honeymoon Lane, only 8 trails open by X-Mas) but this is another different one from then... Wonder what the reasoning is there...
  5. Yeah, I just took a look at their snow cam and it doesn't look like they got nearly the amount of snow down that I would have assumed with the temps the past couple nights... It might be rough on Saturday if they open unless they really pump out some good stuff on Thursday...
  6. Webcam was showing about every other gun on Boulder Park running... For those of you PA guys that are close enough to get there, I'm rooting for you...
  7. Isn't that what we go to school for? Make more money to buy season passes? Or maybe my parents were just lying to keep me in school lol
  8. Friday without a doubt... Ridiculous cold temps on Thursday and Friday... I wouldnt be surprised with a Saturday... They are usually weekend openers... May see me the 18th before weekend crowds really set it...
  9. Yeah, looks like they are going to be able to post an opening date of this weekend... Definitely looks good for that... Saturday for sure... 3-4 trails on the upper mountain?
  10. Keep stopping by and giving us updates lol... I will be up in the Skillz the 11th and 18th... If there is good coverage here I may try to come to CB on the 19th and Elk on the 20th...
  11. Where's that TR Dan? I'm interested to hear if they were making snow on anything other than Onteora... They say they weren't, but I have trouble believing they arent trying to spread out and down to the HSQ...
  12. I know we have a few Elk locals up in the Union Dale area... Any update on the snowmaking? I'm sure they have begun...
  13. Belleayre now to open Sunday the 6th... Looks like around the clock snowmaking Sat and possibly Sunday... I would expect an opening, at least on the upper terrain...
  14. Root usually seems to be pretty well informed on Catskill updates... Not sure if that is the Jersey connection or the AZ connection, but I was wondering if there was an update... I saw that Hunter had the guns shut down and wasnt anticipating on starting them back up until Thursday around noon today, but Belleayre posted a 2nd daily pic sometime early afternoon with the guns still going with natural snow... TWC posts the temp at 35 currently... Guns still going or they shut them down? Its times like this that I wish they had a webcam...
  15. Anybody been up there to pick up their pass? Hotel under construction? Halted because of the economy?
  16. They fact that they have 2-3 more years is disturbing considering I can't imagine they have 2-3 years of working capital...
  17. Looks like we may have to wait until Friday just to get cool enough temps in the Northeast... We may not be good to go for 3 more weeks
  18. Yeah, I have never been a fan of accuweather either... That being said, I do take a much larger stock in what TWC says, and that being said, I have been basing most of my good news off of that... While Accuweather continually promises cold weather and then fails to deliver, TWC hasnt really forecasted cold weather, and most of their weather has ended up being colder so far... They have been changing their forecast for next week for the better for several days now... Looks like cold temps will arrive Wednesday night... Hopefully most NE resorts will be open by the 4th with some PA resorts following the next weekend!!!
  19. I don't know what dates your looking for, and I know it's in Maine, but Sunday River has a pretty sweet college deal for 5 days 5 nights in the mid 300 range... I did it several years ago and it was a blast... Great terrain, good vibe, a decent park, and excellent accomodations...
  20. Will blackberry pics tomorrow at Loveland work?
  21. As I stated earlier this week, I came out to Colorado to see some friends and had a couple days before 2 of them arrived. I decided to ride today and tomorrow. Today was Keystone day and my friend's father and I left Denver at about 7:45... We stopped to get some coffee at Starbucks and arrived at the mountain at 9:15. Surprisingly there were a lot of cars in the lot with more behind us. They had 4 trails open top to bottom off the gondola including half of one of those trails being dedicated to the terrain park. My friend's father has that pass (epic?) which includes unlimited riding at a basin, breck, and keystone, 10 peak season days at Vail, 4 anytime $59 tickets for a guest, and six variable rate passes (terrain pending) for a guest. I used one of the latter and scored a $43 lift ticket. It sure beats the $65 they were charging. We hopped in line and headed to the the top. The snow was typical east coast machine made powder on top of hardpack. It was exactly what I expect east coast mid season without natural. We lapped the top runs to the mid station where the lift line was about 10 minutes long, and headed down to the base twice where the lift lines were about 5 min long. Around noon we realized considerable crowds for the terrain had begun to scrape off the snow. We decided to call it quits about 1:30 after roughly 10-12 runs. The terrain park definitely looked legit with a good sized jump that was seeing alot of 3s, and about 20 jibs you don't normally see anywhere unless it's mid season. I heard the lip of the jump was redone overnight and made it very worth riding. Overall, I would love to come back mid season, but I can't complain about great coverage and riding on Nov. 9... They should definitely be happy with today's turnout. I would say season passes to daily tix were 50-50... I'll have another report for you tomorrow from Loveland...
  22. I personally miss TTC 6 because he was a great douche nozzel (sarcasm intended).... Its like my parent always say... If your going to do something, do your best at it...
  23. When they initially relaunched the site, wasn't it titled New York Mountains? I could be on crack and totally remembering bullshit, but I thought it was lol... If thats the case, don't sorry about it... Change/initial thread title now duly noted...
  24. Can we get a thread for these... Seems that more and more we have people going North... I understand not having one for those going out west, and posting those TRs in the General Chat, but with our base growing, there are definitely enough trips North to justify a dedicated thread... Any support?
  25. As per their facebook page, Snowshoe Mountain West Virginia expects to start making snow for the season in the wee hours of Saturday morning. They typically open the Wed before Thanksgiving. However, if conditions allow, as they did last year, they will open earlier. They opened 6 trails on the heels of several snow dumps totalling 50" last year on Nov. 21. They didn't have the staff to open at that time so they pulled office personell to man the lifts and the tickets windows. Even the general manager was loading people onto the lift... Now thats dedication. Most people probably don't think of West Virginia often, but the 2-3 times I have been to Snowshoe I have had excellent snow and an excellent time... Much easier to justify for me since the distance to get there is the same as it is to the good mountains in the Northeast. For most of you in PA, going North is shorter and a no brainer...
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