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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. It got ugly up at the Bush. I left the correct day. They patched it back together with this cold stretch. They should be fine.
  2. There's one way to look at this. Elk is terribly managed and yet amazingly managed. They operate well enough to make money despite minimal upgrades and hardly ever having a line. They somehow get people to buy a ridiculously overpriced pass. They don't open early or close late. They have the worst website in Pennsylvania. Despite all this, they still succeed. As an Elk fanboy, I find their lack of customer appreciation and up to date marketing appalling, but why fix what's not broken?
  3. Forecast isn't great up there, and it looks like the pattern changes the 27th, so I'll likely stick it out here until the 4th of January. Plenty going on down here for me to stay busy.
  4. That was an incredibly disappointing move on their part. They had a ton of snow made on the main opening trails and decided to set up a jib park in the park instead so they could let it sit in whales a little while longer. I think it was the week before Thanksgiving. I saw they whales they had, and at 7-8 feet tall, that would have made it through a 3 day warm up groomed out.
  5. They are probably looking pretty good, especially on Freedom.
  6. I hope it's decent. I want you guys to be able to get out there.
  7. I don't know what it looked like last weekend, but it probably looks a lot better now. Take a pic for us!!!
  8. Are the leaves changing yet?
  9. I think it will be fine. Snowshoe opened with even less last week...
  10. I know it's got a flat runout mid mountain, but I do like the place.
  11. Part of Main Street is better than nothing!!!
  12. Main Street looks feasible if the guns keep going!!!
  13. Go out and get it. Mad props.
  14. Please tell me that's a promise...
  15. I don't know what your basing these shenanigans off of POC. I see nothing to support that statement...
  16. Wish casting... They've been hanging out with POC!!!
  17. No reason to mess with a winning formula...
  18. What's the formula that works? Ban him a week and then mod preview for a week? Is that the key to cold weather?
  19. The prospects for beginner terrain are next to none. We will use the cold temps to resurface and build base depths on what we already have open. Unfortunately, none of that is beginner terrain and only one of those trails is intermediate. I can't imagine the Gate House side (where the beginner terrain is), will be open until MLK. Everyone is struggling. There are two good days of snowmaking this weekend and then it's back up in the 40s with no salvation in sight.
  20. You know it's bad when they have to reopen the Stairway to Heaven. The Bush lost Ripcord today and I'm told it is in danger of losing Jester and Coffee Run. Let's hope this cold spell is cold enough to salvage what little they have.
  21. I left the Bush yesterday and we lost a ton of snow from Sunday into Monday. Lots of bare spots opening up. There's just no snow to push around. We pushed out the small amount we had to get it t2b. It held for two weeks with some small resurfacing windows, but it's starting to dwindle fast. Things look real bleak through Thursday night. Organgrinder and Downspout will hold, but Ripcord, Jester, and the lower mountain runout might not make it. This upcoming snowmaking window is promising, but it looks like another week in the 40s after that.
  22. Where's the pics brah?
  23. We can last until then at elevation, but the runout may struggle. Let's hope we don't have to go back to downloading.
  24. Looks like the turning point up here is the 18th, but they won't have enough time to do any major terrain expansion. We will be lucky to resurface and keep the terrain we have.
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