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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. I'm a morning person when I'm in a routine. When it's a powder day, I'm there first thing. No need to rush out on a day like this. I'm sure I have some somewhere, but I probably posted most of the SR stuff already...
  2. I've got a couple more trip pictures saved up from this year, so I figured I would share a little more love and post another summer TR for the masses. I had a great day before, so I figured that I would lock up the townhouse for the season, then head to Killington for the last day of the season on my way home. I got there a bit later than the day before, and I rolled into the parking lot about 11:15. I booted up and headed up to the lodge for my ticket. Although your not supposed to use two VT ski 3 passes at the same place, they told me they would take "anything close enough to be considered a voucher" on closing day. I could tell that the snow wasn't in nearly as good of shape as the day before. Unlike yesterday, the temperature never really dropped below 50 and never really setup. They had repaired the snow bridge, and there was less traffic, but with the sun beating down, I knew it wouldn't last long. On the lift ride up I noticed that the snow bridge was already quite snirty, and the snirt was spreading farther uphill from where they had been pulling the snow. The top of the glacier was also starting to have some rocks popping through, and one of the side entrances had already melted out. The snow was really fun. It was just on the edge of corn and slush, but the traffic assured that most of the corn was pushed out of the way and you were mostly hitting edge able corn from the base. There was a fun chute that was all base snow straight down the middle if you wanted to pick up some speed. I was able to navigate the snirty section without riding mud, but this would be the only run I could do so. There just wasn't enough snow and the 75 degree bluebird day melted it quite fast. After 2-3 runs I saw the mom's side stepping down while the kiddies and men rode the mud. As the snow disappeared the kids started side stepping. By my 10th run almost everyone was taking their skis off and walking down the 50 ft gap. Only me and 2-3 other hardy riders were still riding the mud. Since I arrived late, I didn't stop for a drink today. I told myself that I wouldn't walk down, so when I finally got uncomfortable riding the mud, I called it quits. I think I logged 12 runs. I got back to the car, took off the boots, opened the back, and laid back while having a quick snack and a gatorade. After about 30 minutes I packed up and went to the Phat Italian for lunch. Once I was stuffed, I started home. I had never been in a situation where there was only 1 trail and you had to ride the mud because no other options existed. I didn't mind. Im very realistic and I knew what to expect. Heck of a day. Heck of a season.
  3. WF and Gore tips for you? Your never going to go to/go back to either place...
  4. I think that's a smart call Dan. Hit up both of them. You won't be disappointed. Gore also offers a little bit more intermediate terrain variety, but as he said, there is nothing to do in North Creek.
  5. I went to Whiteface for the first time this year, and while it was fun and has some impressive views, I pretty much covered the whole mountain in a day. After a couple days I would have had my fill.
  6. Any pass more than 3 days used to also be able to be used at Gore. Long drive from WF depending on where your staying, but worth it if it's a little bit south...12-13 should be thrown out as an outlier due to the gap, but other than that, the average opening day is about the 6th, which I would say is what I expect in PA. There will always be a random November day and a late December day, but on average, an early December is fair. While anything before January is a bonus day for you, I would argue that it is normal if not expected by a majority of the crew on here. I would say anything before December 6th is a bonus day and anything after December 6th is "seriously, wtf is with this weather?"
  7. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it's just that it's not as rare as you make it out to sound... That's all. But I would love to see the stats.
  8. That's just Doug spouting off... Where else does dumb stuff come from?
  9. There didn't seem to be many accessible woods. On the triple side there were some on a ridge line, but it was narrow because of a river. Other than that it seemed to be pretty steep, pretty tight, and pretty rocky. Considering they don't get VT or ADK snow, it's probably rare to get a good off piste day. However, the double lift line was au naturale and it was fun and technical due to obstacles, not steeps...
  10. The Thanksgiving openings at Blue were a fluke, but it is rare that places in PA aren't open on some level by the first full weekend if they aim for that. I know there are outliers, but I'm sure 8 out of the last 10 years there has been someone open by Dec. 7...
  11. Since it's the heart of the summer, I figured I would finally get around to posting this report. Figured a little winter love might cool everyone down as we prepare for another upcoming season. The northern hemisphere typically starts cooling July 21, the days are getting shorter, and foliage will start changing in another month. It's all downhill from here folks. I don't remember all the detail of this trip since it was nearly 5 months ago, but I'll give it my best shot. Every time I drive to VT, I drive past this little ski area on 87 just south of Lake George. I keep saying that eventually I'll make it there, so this time I made it a point to do so. I was headed up for a 2 week stay at the Bush, so I left home around 8 AM so I could make it there for a little afternoon session. Since they have night skiing, I wasn't worried about slight delays. It had snowed 3-4" the night before, but the roads were clear by the time I arrived around 2:30. I booted up, snagged a lift ticket for around $30, and hit the double right outside the lodge. The first thing I noticed about the double, which is incredibly difficult to miss, is the center pole in-between the seats. I have never seen it before, and I can imagine that it causes some larger people some discomfort. The seats were tiny. It was also very low to the ground. This lift will no longer be here next season. West purchased an old triple from Haystack (now called the Hermitage) and bought an extra terminal so it can replace both its aging lifts. Not only will this lift add uphill capacity, but it will improve reliability and comfort. I lapped some of the trails off the double and the coverage was phenomenal in most spots. They seem to have spotty snowmaking, but the only place I found any bare spots was the old school winding narrow trail under the lift. Their snowmaking is mostly fan guns, so they aren't used there. After hitting most of those trails once or twice, I went over to the triple on the other side of the mountain. The trails over here were a bit wider and had some steeper pitches. They had a couple all natural trails that hadn't seen much traffic. Since the snow had been pretty wet, there was some crust on top. Luckily it wasn't deep, so I was able to cut right through it and enjoy some nice turns to myself. The lift over there was pretty dilapidated as well. Pieces of the wooden back were broken off and replaced with plexiglass. The lift ran smooth, but it needed some love. The secondary lodge there was pretty outdated and didn't even have a bathroom. I believe they had some porta potties outside. All services were out of the main lodge when I was there, and it was modernized and well maintained. Even had a cool fire pit outside. After about 2.5 hours, with the lights starting to come on and some school groups coming in, I decided to call it quits. It was a fun little mountain, but 2.5 hours was enough. It almost went bankrupt before a local picked it up, so I was glad to patronize it. They say they lost $250,000 this year, but the new lift should help them break even. They weren't sure if they would be able to replace both lifts for this season, or just the double. I would consider hitting it again for another afternoon session, but I probably wouldn't make a special trip if it wasn't on my way. It was nice being able to ride on a travel day and still get to my place at the Bush at a reasonable hour. Pics below:
  12. Can't believe I missed this TR when it came out this season. I'm a huge Snowshoe fan. Haven't been there since 04', but since I learned to ride there in 2000, it holds a special place in my heart. First trip was brutal ice from a warmup, but the second time was brutal cold with 15" of fresh. Went in the trees for the first time there and immediately hit one. Didn't go back in for a couple years. They get Southern VT/Catskill type snow but have much more temperature variation. I got to Timberline this year, so hopefully I can visit this year. They've added a new lift and trimmed some trees since I've been, so I'm sure ill have even more fun.
  13. Anything before January is a bonus in PA. Now that I'm based out of VT, anything before Thanksgiving is a bonus...
  14. I knew it would happen soon... I'm hoping SmartAss or Ridge Racer can send some pics of the Pocono foliage change soon...
  15. Are the leaves changing color yet?
  16. I put in my most days since being full time at SR. 77 with the two late season K-Mart bonus days. Goal was 70, so I surpassed that. Definitely didn't seem real busy at the Bush when I was there. However, since I own my business I schedule myself off weekdays...
  17. Hopefully I'll be 10 days in by Root Friday...
  18. No Root Friday? What is this world coming to? I don't know if I want to live in a world without Root Friday...
  19. Sad news out of Rangeley today. It has too much potential to stay closed for long, but the financing may not come through soon enough to save this season. http://www.wcsh6.com/story/news/local/2015/07/20/owner-says-saddleback-wont-open-without-funding-for-new-chairlifts/30408427/
  20. We both know you've got better goals than that. Root Friday? Windham? Mont St. Anne looks pretty sweet on the trail map with some decent natural...
  21. You have a name for your posse?
  22. The days are getting shorter and we are only 2 days away from when the northern hemisphere begins cooling. Thought it might be appropriate to get this started. Total Ski Days: 75 Season Pass: Sugarbush Frequent Skier Card: Killington Discount Card: Fox 44/Vermont Ski 3 New Mountains: Stratton, Jay Peak, Burke, Saddleback, Big Tupper, Treblant, Mont St. Anne, Le Massif, Ragged Return Mountains: Snowshoe, Squaw Mountain, Smuggs, Stowe, Bolton, Plattekill Other Goals: Ride in October Anybody else with ambitious plans?
  23. Nice boots Justo. Lots of Patrollers rocking those at the Bush. Haven't heard anything but good things. I picked up two more pairs of K2 T1 snowboard boots earlier this summer off an REI sale. Tough to beat.
  24. They removed some parking lot to enlarge the fishing pond...
  25. First day of summer is my favorite day of summer. Days getting shorter means it's all downhill from here!!!
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