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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. I'm surprised you haven't thought of a Stowe trip. That used to be a goto annual trip...
  2. With Vinny's motivation and a travel buddy, you guys could rack up some mountains!!!
  3. I've been out again riding, but I have been taking it easy so I don't aggravate it again. I have been getting back in the trees, but my ankle strength is still limited, so I can't ride like I used to. Some days I feel like I'm making progress, and others I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction. I'm two months in and the doc said it could be 3 before I get my strength back, so I'm being patient.
  4. I haven't been out free riding in like 2 months :-(
  5. None of us ski in Virginia either...
  6. Snowshoe is already reporting 11"... More to come too...
  7. I know a bunch of people from DE that would travel the extra 2-2.5 hours to go to Springs over the Pokes. I always wanted to go on a WV/Seven Springs road trip, but it didn't present itself. When I'm not in New England full time next year maybe I'll try to get there. Glad you got out there and had some primo conditions Vinny. Your odometer must be taking a beating this season.
  8. Looks like Snowshoe is going to get shmammered...
  9. I have to imagine that it will be sold. I assure you that the bank did not pay all that money on top of the $8 million in debt it already has with Sno, just to hold onto it and let it rot away.
  10. I'm not in the know, just basing it off the past. They could surprise me. I hope they go until April.
  11. Her actions speak louder than words...
  12. Blue's recent strategy just seems to be pull the cord on the season and get ready for next year, whereas CB usually makes it longer because they go more toward a BB early season operating schedule with just afternoon skiing and riding, and weekends all day. I'd much rather have a limited schedule and go two weeks longer, than have the season end so early and so abruptly...
  13. I think it was two weeks after last season... I like the fact that they have become a quality spring option...
  14. If I read it correctly, it seems to be one of the equity partners that currently owns the company, but it is not the current management company?
  15. Unless they lease out the operations while looking for another buyer who puts up an offer they like, this isn't good for Sno...
  16. If Bell were your primary area and Whiteface and Gore were day trips, it's a no brainer... Unfortunately it's a little far south for most of us... Still glad they got it out for some people... If I had a place in the skillz, it would be tough to pass up that for a Platty pass, even though I dig Platty...
  17. Maybe they realize that the future of the sport relies on younger folks and the affordability of their parents getting them on the trail... Maybe it's just different views at different mountains...
  18. Lots of people were thinking this would happen for this current season, but only having to wait one year isn't too bad either. Here's the press release: http://www.belleayre.com/winter/skiport.htm Essentially a Belleayre unlimited pass is $669 and for $70 more, or $739, you can upgrade to the Ski 3 for all of them. With it only being $70 more, essentially the price of one lift ticket, it's a no brainer.
  19. Lots of mountains up north had volunteer glade cutting crews in the fall... Some of them even give vouchers for your service on those days... Magic doesn't do half the skier visits of Blue, probably doesn't have half the insurance of Blue, and allows volunteers to run willy nilly all over the mountain after the designated trail cutting is finished... They even allow a volunteer to climb trees to de limb... This is also coming from the same mountain that now closes in mid march and closes on rainy days... Who knows what they are thinking, but resumes for bike park help? Really?
  20. I would assume that if they outright own the property, things would be much easier. I know that CNL, whom Boyne leases SR from, owns all of the property the resort is on. SR has recently begun cutting a new adventure/park trail, and it didn't seem to be a large process at all. I guess owning the property makes it much easier. I was just interested to see how difficult it would be for Blue to get this dealio done and started...
  21. Does anybody know what the permitting process is for new trails in PA? I know it's incredibly difficult for expansion up north because of the Act 250 permits, but that's only because they don't own the property or it's in the public domain, correct? Is it difficult for them to up and cut a new trail? That's usually what eats up the time and funds up north...
  22. Hopefully that will lead to improvements for the ski area...
  23. Think it will stop at the hotel, or continue into condo development? If it becomes year round, that may be enticing to some folks.
  24. Id love to see the phase layout of this project. They say it will break ground this April, be built in phases, but won't open until 2016? That's for to be a typo. 2014 for the first phase maybe? Even Sno Cove, with all it's fuckups, only took 2 years to get open. That's a long time to be putting out that much money and not realizing any benefit.
  25. Doesn't have fast lifts... But with very little runout, things move quicker than Elk... I think it's a little like MRG in that the lack of parking helps regulate the crowds...
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