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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Like I said, "often are." It sounds like this guy was holding onto a tail rope... I don't see any need for a tail rope... We barely use them up here...
  2. We are definitely human... I'm not afraid to admit that I fall every once in awhile pretty good... However, you'll often find that while we are not the most technically skilled on the mountain, we aren't afraid of much, and can ski many things better than those who have better technical skills...
  3. I've only been to several PA areas, but I kind of felt like they were all a zoo on weekends... I guess I shouldn't stereotype... My cousins went there about 5 years ago, maybe longer, when they were younger, and seemed to really enjoy it... I doubt they would enjoy it as much now because of their age, but hey, to some people, skiing is skiing...
  4. I've been rocking customs almost consistently since 06... I have had three sets... Two of them got replaced on warranty when the baseplates broke... I beat the shit out of them, so if one pair breaks after 300-400 days every 3 or 4 years, I'm ok with it... Burton also has some of the best customer service I have seen with free replacement parts for most things... I have to replace the straps every 2 years, but other than that, I am more than pleased with my customs. I would highly recommend to anyone that wants to go with a traditional strapping system...
  5. I personally have tried a rear entry binding (k2 cinches,) and wasn't enamored with them... That was also before I started standing up to strap in a majority of the time... However, my roomies up here are huge Flow fanatics... They are all 3 rocking Flow bindings and boots... They say they love them, but they don't think the boots will hold up to a season long beating, and they don't like the chincy binding straps and will likely switch them out soon... Take it or leave it, but personally, those two things are enough to convince me that Flow equipment is not worth my time and money...
  6. And all with about a 6 inch base...
  7. It is unfortunate that it's the way it happens, but I've been to Okemo several times, and it's always the same story... It doesn't make sense to blow so little just to call it open, get a small warmup, have it melt to the ground, and then lose the trail... When they do get around to making snow on it again, they are starting from ground zero... Okemo also touts it's grooming, but often times you'll see dirt tracks in their pretty grooming because it's just not deep enough... Regardless of that, I still like Okemo as a one or two day a year change of pace mountain...
  8. I am with you on your analysis Guitar. I wouldn't make a special trip for Okemo, but if I'm there, it's a nice change of pace. I like Killington, but I mostly go there now for the early season or off map off piste stuff. It doesn't surprise me that Okemo was showing a bunch of brown. If you watch their trail count early season, they stay up there with all the big guns, but their quality and quantity is thin. They are all about the "thin to win" mantra. Put down a marginal base and then move onto the next trail. They don't have the temps or elevation to keep up in early season trail count if they don't push it with the limited depth factor. Overall, not bad, but not somewhere I would go regularly. Thanks for the TR guitar. It's nice to know that some other people are up here enjoying the NE with me :-)
  9. Thanks for taking the time to post it up... Sounds like they are doing just fine... Hopefully the thaw will be over soon!!!
  10. Nice TR Vinny!!! Glad to see you got to check out so many different skis... Lots of our patrollers ski Mantras and seem to like them, but I hadn't heard any specifics on length etc...
  11. Because it's only $25... Good move though... Steal away a little competition and gain some good will/new customers... Good luck!!!
  12. Be glad you tried it out for the first time now... They regarded it a couple years ago to give it more pitch because it was actually slightly graded uphill on the flat, and very few people were making it over, even straight lining it... Which is the opposite of what they wanted considering it is a fairly narrow beginner trail in places...
  13. Is this still happening? It was supposed to open like 4 years ago and then the market crashed and it seemed like the idea had tanked... I hadn't heard anything about it for years...
  14. I'm guessing it did fuck it up? Your usually the Camelback insider...
  15. I'm still getting acquainted to the geography of the region. If Tuck's is right beside Mt. Washington, than no, that is not it. Mount Washington is farther off to the left. If not, then that could be Tuck's...
  16. I'm not ashamed to admit it, especially because there isn't even one inkling of proof to the contrary, but she is the better rider... Hands down...
  17. I also noticed this the last trip I took to the site. Definitely a step in the right direction. Also great to see the name in transition back to it's original less commercialized name. Makes it sound like less of a theme park and more of a resort. Glad to hear the big week was successful!!!
  18. So today, as a little change of pace, the lady friend and I decided to use our New England Pass and head over to Loon for a half day or so. We left the SR area about 7:15 and headed west toward New Hampshire. The theme today was cold weather. It was a balmy 1 degree in Bethel, but as we headed west, it began to drop. Just east of Franconia Notch I recorded the lowest temperature I have ever seen firsthand: We arrived at Loon around 8:40 to -2 degree temps, and were surprised to see how quickly the lot was filling up. We decided to skip the PLB due to the temps, and headed into the lodge since they have sweet cubby spaces to store your gear. We headed to the Gondola and scored a cabin to ourselves. The greeting board was very informative and helpful: Once we got to the top, we headed down to the Tote Road Quad and headed over to South Peak. We proceeded to hit Boom Run, Upper Twitcher, Jobber, and Cruiser. Snow was super dry and grippy, but there was full coverage on the groomers and very little traffic: We then headed back over the Tote Road Quad and headed back down to the gondola. The parking lot was full by this time, and the line at the Gondola was getting to be crazy long since nobody wanted to be outside on the lifts today. We decided to hit the Seven Brother Lift, an old triple, to get us out of the base: We then headed over to the North Peak Express where we were greeted by another awesome greeting board: After hitting Flume which was half groomer, half bumps, and mostly icy, we hit up the Camp III lodge at the base of the North Peak Express to get warm. After a 20 minute warming session, we hit up Walking Boss, Sunset, and Haulback off the NPE and then headed down the meandering wooded pathway Brookway back to the main base area. The Little Sister beginner area was getting a bunch of love: We got in line for the Gondi, which had like 50 people waiting, but the line was really only 3-4 minutes long, and we decided to head over to the Governor's Lodge area and hop on the Kancamangus Express. We hit Rampasture, Rumrunner, Lower Speakeasy, and Snubber before heading back over to hit up the upper half of Loon Mountain Park. They were grooming out the bottom section. It had several rails and a couple table tops. Some jibbers were present: Finally we decided to call it a day around 1 PM. The cold was finally getting to us and we had a great day. Loon must have the first super pipe in the east this season, and we decided to hit that last: All in all, another great change of pace day at Loon. They had great coverage and plenty of terrain. They still had some trails that hadn't been open yet, but their snowmaking crew was pretty busy and they should have that taken care of in the next week or two. It was nice getting back to the South Peak, especially since the last time I was there 3 years ago, Twitcher and Jobber hadn't even been cut yet. I was surprised at how busy they were, but apparently NH has longer breaks than Mass and ME, so there were still people on vacation there. The one thing they really lack there is glades, but I'm sure they will start working on that. It's a small compact mountain, but it gets a bad rap. It's fun and has plenty of terrain to keep you entertained for a couple days, especially if your a park rat.
  19. That's exactly what happens when you rush the opening... What they should have done was opened it ungroomed with whales and put an advanced terrain sign at the top of it... It would have bumped up, but it would have given them the extra trail and given them time to let the water drain out... I understand that with the late opening and the crowds, that the trail count game with competitors is important, so that's why they did it... However, the past two years Sunday River has done a two day opening procedure on trails that has worked fantastic... They turn the guns off, open the trail, let it drain for a day, close the trail and track pack it, let it sit for another day, and then go back the next night and lay stripes on it... Unfortunately, when it gets opened that quickly, all that moisture that is uncovered freezes if temps allow, and you get chunky snow... I understand why they did it, but if they wanted the trail open so it could be used by beginners, then they played the only card they had, even if it wasn't the best one...
  20. That would be what we like to call a beerable offense...
  21. Nice pics Vinny!!! Looks like Maine!!! Glad your cousin is ok... Usually if the guy is apologetic, you should reprimand him and let him off... If he's a douche... Well, that's your call...
  22. For those of you that have more options closer by, I would also save the time and gas. And im an Elk groupie. Usually I went because I was already on a road trip and it was a negligible addition for time and gas. That being said, I know the natural snow has helped, but they have been opening trails quickly this year compared to past years. Website says they are up to 18 trails, so that's promising. If you are on your way, have fun up there!!!
  23. Still a nice little treat!!! Have fun out there tomorrow... We picked up about 4 up here in the north country so far...
  24. Sweet report! I love the stat pages! Glad you got out there and made it happen despite the rain...
  25. Nice!!! Sorry the drive sucks, but it's a nice little hill... Did they build the hotel?
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