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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. I'll do that again when I think of it... My mind isn't that complex... Obviously... I don't actually recycle those posts, I think of them in separate thoughts... So the next time I think it warrants it, I'm sure I'll repeat the same thing lol... I apologize for the annoyance ahead of time... But I just noticed I never answered the question at hand, which I am sure is the root of the above posts... I will be riding at Sunday River...
  2. Think what you will. I've never put on a red nose, white makeup, or run around in a rodeo arena. Have you read any one of your last five posts? They are every bit as annoying. It's a fucking message board. Unless your writing a paper on ski areas, and the pointless shit going on at each one of them, every post is useless. The rest of them are informational. What you use that information for, I don't give a flying fuck. Once I finish up in Maine, I'll be back to frequenting PA again. So, if you want, you can plead your ever so worthy case of my annoying posts to Jeff, and if you can convince him that I do indeed absolutely have no interest in PA, then he can choose to ban me until I return to PA where I can truly care about PA and make truly useful posts. I'm sure your posts will be much more useful. In fact, I just used the useful information in your last post to figure out how to tune my bike AND drink beer at the same time. Sorry if I forgot to thank you for that.
  3. Even if that is the case, they usually place the liens on the land, which is paid for, and which is collateral, so that they are sure to receive their money since a sale cannot go through unless the liens have been accounted for or cleared...
  4. It's December... It's too early for me to say that definitively I will or won't... On a normal year, I'd go there at least 2 or 3 times... So maybe I will, maybe I won't...
  5. I'm just a snow lover... Love ski and snow info... That's it... Plus Elk is one of my favorites...
  6. Haven't heard from the Elk locals, but they usually have some of the best temps in NEPA for snowmaking, so I'm wondering what kind of snow they have to work with from the last stretch of snowmaking?
  7. This months bills probably aren't due until next month, after Christmas revenue comes in lol... They could essentially be running on billing cycle credit... That's good news though... With all those fan guns, I have heard they can lay down a pretty solid amount of snow quick...
  8. How much of the land was sold with the mountain? Although there may be property that looks developable, is it actually developable?
  9. December 20 start date... Before X-Mas, but still late... Hopefully they have a majority of the mountain open before they open... With the slow start again this year, trail count will be important to X-Mas success... People follow open terrain...
  10. Fat skis?
  11. Sounds like KC went and got himself a promotion... Congrats KC!!! Don't be afraid to check in!!!
  12. She was living the lesson of life... Way more important... Way more educational... Not really something you can put on your résumé though...
  13. I just don't see them going out of business for good. I still think someone will pick them up. The waterpark is finally established, they had a good concert series, and the ski area has been kept in decent repair over the past few years. There have also been some fairly significant upgrades to infrastructure. If the bankruptcy goes through, the debt gets restructured, and an actual resort operations company picks it up, I think they can still be successful.
  14. Is Whitefish open yet?
  15. Nah, that's what KC says... I don't know if I've read a paper in Maine...
  16. He is usually the first one to either corroborate or dispute their bullshit, so I take this as a bad sign also. Get up there while you guys still can!!!
  17. It's all media propaganda... Don't believe it!!!
  18. Just looked at the Palmerton forecast for the next five days, and it is ugly... Niar every day? I hope The base holds up so that they can open what they did blow on quick once temps drop again...
  19. I had off today so I decided to go out and take a few runs. I was awake early, but really took my time getting to the mountain. I didn't get there until 10, and I widened my stance, so that took some time. As soon as I went to lace up my boots, a lace broke, so I had to go up to the shop and buy a couple sets of laces, just in case, and then I finally got out on the hill. It was about 11:10 when I finally made it to the lift. Compared to last year, we have almost 20 trails more at this same time. It is still early. We could have had more, but we have been experiencing daytime temps in the 40s and nights still too warm for snowmaking. That being said, yesterday the snow was nice and soft, mad sweet and low, and I knew that when the temps dropped last night, conditions would get challenging. I decided to stick on South Ridge again and shore up some of my weaker skills, so I didn't take many pics. Temps were hovering around freezing at the base. Most of the trails were quite firm with unedgable groomer tracks. Lots of sliding. Some of the trails had a loose granular. Some trails had snowmaking last night, so some of the snow was nice, and where it got too wet, was far too firm to edge on. Very few guns on open terrain. It sounds like they have decided to only blow snow on open terrain, if it's absolutely necessary. Therefore, some new trails were seeing snowmaking now that we are gearing up toward the Christmas rush. All in all, it was another fun early season day. I have off again tomorrow, and I am going to try to make it to some new terrain. We have a slight warmup coming again this weekend, so hopefully after that, things will cool down and we will all get some serious expansion. Pics are below:
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  20. I would feel fairly comfortable in saying that CB, JFBB, and Blue have the highest season passes in the Pokes. Up here, most of the big mountains have over 10,000 season pass sales a year, so I think it's a safe bet to say that is low... Unless you were the 400th off peak season pass...
  21. Generally speaking, once they open, they want to stay open... It becomes much less of a weather issue... Unless it's late season, resorts want to maintain what they have... My guess is that they aren't expanding onto anything without a pre existing base...
  22. I guess that means the season pass office is open... That's a step in the right direction...
  23. Its not looking so good for prolonged snowmaking anywhere in the Northeast for at least the next week. Looks like some of the Pocono areas will be able to fire them up, and at the very least resurface tonight and tomorrow, but I don't think any terrain expansion will be forthcoming. Lets hope it cools down at the end of the 10 day and we can get something rolling for Christmas.
  24. Being that he is a Sno supporter, I am guessing that he is referring to the addition of the HSQ and t2b trail at Sno, and not the woods skiing at Elk... That being said, I could be wrong...
  25. I still use photbucket, but each to his own... I use Tapatalk to view general posts... Full site for stat upload... Once we have mobile picture uploads and stats, I'll probably never use the full site again lol Glad you guys got out and lapped it, even if it is limited terrain... It feels so good to get back on the snow...
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