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Ride Delaware ?

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Everything posted by Ride Delaware ?

  1. Funny thing is, as soon as I saw that picture, I knew you were going to say something about the snowboard chick...
  2. In comparison, we are doing ok, but it is still tough out there for anybody... 80 degrees and sunny will destroy anybodys snowpack... We are advertising 78 trails open, but some of those are segments, and there is some walking required... Today was the last REAL warm day, but tomorrow will still be 60 and sunny... Tomorrow night it will cool down below freezing... I guess we will see what the final damage report is on Saturday morning... Regardless of the outcome, there is still some good snow to be found, just make sure you wear the rock skis...
  3. Looks like Stowe PASR weekend might be tough this year...
  4. NEPA Resorts closed by March 22, Killington down to 14 trails, 70-80 degrees an sunny 5 days in a row in Maine... Seriously, WTF?
  5. I have been to 3 different mountains in the last 5 days, and this warm spell is absolutely ridiculous... The conditions have been the same at each one... Take the rock skis...
  6. Definitely worth $10, but I would most definitely take rock skis...
  7. Afroman has been up twice... Hopefully once more... I'll try for a TR...
  8. I've been in desperate need of a new pair of boots for awhile, and with the comfort of the boots being paramount, I prefer to buy my boots in person instea of online. That being said, we only have one shop selling boots at Sunday River, and nothing With high end performance, so I decided that on my day off I would drive to Loon where there are several shops. I didn't want to waste a day on the mountain, so I woke up on my normal work schedule and was on the road at 7:15. I made good time and arrived in the lot at 8:39. I drove over the temporary bridge that was in place since Irene wiped out the real bridge, and I was pleased. It's not nearly as wide, but it is wide enough and is asphalt, so it works just fine. It was 46 degrees when I arrived, and knowing the temp was to be in the mid seventies, i only brought under armour and a t-shirt. These warm days have typically meant inversions, so I manned up and decided to just wear the T until it warmed up, or until I got to the top. I booted up in the lot and headed over to the gondola. I was about 15th in line at 8:55. They started loading at 8:58, and I was 5th cabin (4 person Gondi). The coverage looked pretty good from the Gondola, and it looked like they had still groomed a fair amount of stuff. I took an ungroomed trail, and while it had one spot where it was only 5 ft wide, it also need some time to soften up. I went to the upper east side lift and lapped it for 5 runs before heading to the east side lift for 5 runs. As expected, it was 10 degrees warmer up top. After that I did another 5 runs off the Gondi and then 5 runs in between all three lifts. They were losing a ton of snow, bare spots were growing, and wet spots and ponds were appearing, but it was still a bunch of fun. After 20 runs I decided to leave and head for the shop. It was 77 degrees when I got to the bottom. I left and went to the shop, but they are closed until 2 pm for inventory check. I came to subway to grab a bite to eat and decided to kill some time and write this up. I tried to take some pictures with people in them, but it was pretty dead. I was tenth car in the lot, and there were maybe 50 when I left. Here's the pics:
  9. I meant the staff party held the Sunday after Saturday closing...
  10. Did they have the Season Passholder party yet? Skipping that this year? Just looking at the webcam, it's going to be tough to make Thursday... Best of luck to them though... Time to go snow farming I guess lol
  11. That was all misinformation... Should be fine... I expect they will open as planned next year... Hopefully the offseason goes as planned...
  12. We lost a bunch of snow up here due to sun and 50 degree weather on Monday and Tuesday... We had 40 degree weather with heavy fog all day, and lost a bunch of snow, but flat across instead of in "hot" spots... Started snowing around 2, with 2 inches expected, but we need cloudy days soon... Forecasted temps are looking rough too...
  13. It's rough up here as it is everywhere... Naturals are closing and lots of snow is being pushed around on the groomers... So it's t2b at Blue or bust? Sorry to hear that the bridge isnt open yet...
  14. It sounds like lots of the longer runs off the top are hurting for snow... The runouts too... Is there any chance they reduce operations to the top lift like they do for early season to keep them open through the weekend?
  15. Talk about Micro Climate... K-Mart has 8" and the Bush only has 11"... We picked up 8" also... Good day at the River...
  16. It is definitely going to take some upslope to hit those numbers... Storm itself won't drop more than a foot at best...
  17. Awesome TR... Elk will hopefully have a good March... Just picked up another 6" last night... Talk about a micro climate...
  18. Haven't been to Alchemist, but call ahead... I remember reading an article somewhere that their brew equipment was in their basement and was damaged in Irene... Article went on to say that they couldn't get more insurance and weren't going to relocate... http://articles.boston.com/2011-11-18/lifestyle/30415621_1_brewery-craft-beer-lovers-pub
  19. I looke into Venture since I've heard great things about their quality, but they are definitely expensive... $895 for just the board... With another $200 or so for the hardware an skins (maybe more), that's a pretty penny... The freebird can be had for $600 retail or $450 for a year old model...
  20. Anybody used one? I'm thinking of adding one to the quiver if I can get an end of year discount... Any suggestions on sizing, hardware etc?
  21. I hope they have a solid base... Camelback has been an excellent late season option the past 3-4 seasons and I would hate to see that change... Unless it snows, that base will have to last a good long while considering they traditionally stop making snow on normal trails on Pressent's day... It could be a fairly early end for everyone on the EC...
  22. Seriously, wtf is with this weather?
  23. While sometimes that seems like a good idea, that would create far too much work for the mods, and you would have GSS pestering you all the time to let him off...
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