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Everything posted by Skipdoggie

  1. Guess who's back in town? Ready to stomp! If they open this Friday there will not be a park to ride. I'll just rip down once and be gone till the park gets goin! I like gettin the inside scoop from the snowmaking experts on PASR! When do ya'll estimate enough snow for cum'round park?
  2. They used to have cameras at blue, It was funny watching people in ski masks carry other peoples gear out of the courtyard. Ski check is much more effective!
  3. eeeyup...STOKED FOR CHALLENGE!!!
  4. Cut out the rainy day sorrow- Six pack and challenge open tomorrow!! Look for the dog ridin up early wit 3 hos on one side, 2 on the other. Don't get bummed youngsters, If one of them is your mother........... Ridin the high speed lift steady- Battle rap ready- Sittin on a padded seat- Cheesey steezey got beat-
  5. Maybe with all the new/used snowguns makin moguls on it?
  6. wear orange.....the hunt is on!
  7. Blue is makin snow 2 nite- See you on the six pack steezy!
  8. Ski patrol better get out a ticket- Skip doggie is about to kick it! Steez calls himself a rhymer- But he skis like a first timer! I style it when I ride it- In your girl is where I hide it! Steez dont want his girl no more- Cause I stabbed her like a whore! Now he's diggin Men- Like Len, Ben, & Ken! I hope ya'll like my rhyme- This is the last time! I'll say I had some Fun- Now I'm f-in DONE!!!!!!
  9. Oh shit mo fugger its on- Like the pic from 8 mile- I'm hittin it wit style- I read your lame ass rhyme but it took an f-in while- I drop my shit quik and leave it in a pile- When I painted your girl white I did it with a smile- She said dam your rod is long---------------------------------------------a country f-in mile- I'm use to a little steezy thats hung like a child- One night wit skip dog got me feelin f-in wild-
  10. G-unit on the slope, Jibbin it up dope! Take it easy steezy, It's your rhymes that are cheezy! I do more slappin than rappin wit bitches like lappin' You want some too? I'll make it happin like a double steezy & lappin bitch slappin while I'm rappin! skip doggey dog....O' is he crazy.....Dropin in switch....ridin down lazy-
  11. All things included (like the commute) Blue is a steal for $80 a season. That is less than a $1 a day. Then again you could save a sickly child in africa for the same money.
  12. It cost 80 bucks for one day at some places. Suck it up kid!
  13. Go ahead tough guy....punch me in the mouth. It might just get your sorry ass on the show all beat up. Lapp that up old timer. And for the record I was skiing before blue opened up (1976 I think as little gap). Remember the tree on shicola chute? I ripped past you then, and I'll beat you down now....so stay out of the park lapped....before you get slapped!
  14. Patrol should write a disturbing the peace ticket for the old school skiers that geek through the park. They don't jib, don't jump, just ski around and stop on the landings. Then they go 100 ft and stop again, this time they stand in the approach of the parks best rail and say "remember when the only thing on the slope was snow and skiers". This is not only rude, it's dangerous! Just as dangerous as rippin through the slow zone! I'd love to see an old schooler get a parkin ticket for hangin out on the landing!!! One of the rules is "NO STOPPIN WHERE YOU ARE NOT VISIBLE" right? Next time someone parks it in a blind spot....call the s3police!! BOOK EM DANO!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Ski area tycoon wannabe stuck with a job teaching first graders. Do you throw the F bomb around class when kids don't do what you want? Go to ELK and fall off the cattle truck half way to the lodge!! The slopes at blue rock!!! Lodge loungers will have a better time @ B.C.
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