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About skier150

  • Birthday 10/09/1970

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    SKIS: Czar, STZ, Dumont, M02, Trouble Maker, Pocket Rocket, Fujative BOARDS: Nitro T1
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain
    PARK 1260 - The best place to spend the off-season!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Palmerton PA
  • Interests
    WRX, Skiing, Snowboarding, Kayaking

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Good Form (4/10)

  1. November sessions are looking like: Sat 11/2 1-4 PM Sat 11/16 1-4 PM Blue is looking to open on 11/29. However, if the weather is no cooperating, I will add another November date.
  2. October 2024 sessions are: 10/5 1-4 PM 10/19 1-4 PM
  3. The dates for September 24 are: 9/7, 1-4 PM 9/21, 1-4 PM
  4. DATE CHANGE The next session is on 8/24 @ 1-4 PM, not 8/30.
  5. So much fun... I was just watching a couple videos from those days, man has Blue changed since then.
  6. Sorry, I have not posted in a few years. Park 1260 is still running sessions throughout the summer and fall. Typically until the Pocono resorts start to open. The current setup is a 20' 18" flat box, and a 16' double barrel rail. We just rebuilt the lips this spring, so the hits are fresh. Stop out sometime and check it out. It is an an awesome way to enjoy the outdoors while progressing your park game. If you don't have a game yet, we can get you started. There is always a PSIA/AASI certified park coach on location. Here are the scheduled sessions through the end of the "summer". Additional dates will take us close to Thanksgiving. 8/10 @ 1-4 PM 8/17 @ 1-4 PM 8/30 @ 5-8 PM
  7. Switching up the 10/17 Sesh. It will now be on Sunday 10/18 from 5-8 PM.
  8. So... it is time to start our sessions again. It still gives you 3 months to get ready for opening day. The ski season is not much longer that that, so it would still help a LOT to get out here until the resorts open. All dates and times are subject to change. Please check park1260.com for the most up-to-date information on upcoming sessions.SAT SEPT 19 @ 1-4 PMSHRED SESHSAT SEPT 26 @ 1-4 PMSHRED SESHSAT OCT 3 @ 1-4 PMSHRED SESHSAT OCT 10 @ 1-4 PMSHRED SESHSAT OCT 17 @ 1-4 PMSAT SHRED SESHSAT OCT 24 @ 1-4 PMSAT SHRED SESHFRI OCT 30 @ 5-8 PMFRI NIGHT SESHSAT NOV 7 @ 1-4 PMSAT SHRED SESHSAT NOV 14 @ 1-4 PMSAT SHRED SESHSAT NOV 21 @ 1-4 PMSAT SHRED SESHSUN NOV 29 @ 5-8 PMMAYBE LAST 20 SESH!
  9. Schedule for 2020 will be posted as soon as we are set free...
  10. Thursday evening session this week, in preparation for the resort openings this weekend. No session on Saturday, get out on the snow! Thursday 11/14 5-8 PM Skiers and snowboarders of all park abilities welcome. Don't be a Jerry on opening day with summer legs and broken tricks!!
  11. Ok, so I posted the Nov dates last week, but for some reason it did not go through. So, here they are for now: SAT NOV 2 @ 1-4 PMSAT NOV 9 @ 1-4 PMSAT NOV 16 @ 1-4 PM MORE TO COME LATER When BB opens on the weekends, we will switch to Friday evenings. When BB opens week-ling, we will close for the season.
  12. Fall is "here"! Below are some dates of our fall sessions. New UHMW topsheet on the box, rebuilt lip on the rail, and the deck has been resurfaced. Check it out! SAT SEPT 7 @ 1-4 PMFRI SEPT 13 @ 5-8 PMSAT SEPT 14 @ 1-4 PMSUN SEPT 29 @ 5-8 PMSAT OCT 5 @ 1-4 PMSAT OCT 12 @ 5-8 PMSAT OCT 19 @ 1-4 PMSAT OCT 26 @ 1-4 PM NOVEMBER DATES WILL BE POSTED IN OCT
  13. Thanks! Yes, it is not your typical backyard setup. There is constant work to be done to keep things in shape. The features are resort quality and are not cheap to fabricate. In the process of ordering a new topsheet for the box at $500-600.
  14. I get to Blue from time to time. Mostly I am at Camelback and BB. I know, right... unfortunately that was like 15 years ago.
  15. So there is basically seven months until the 19/20 season starts. Think about how much you can improve your game in that amount of time. Even if you stop out once a month, or just a few times over the summer, you can progress. You can easily add some new tricks to your bag, and have a lot of fun in the process. Check it out!Here are some upcoming dates, you can also setup a private session on just about any day.SAT MAY 11 @ 1-4 PMSAT MAY 18 @ 1-4 PMSAT JUNE 1 @ 1-4 PMSAT JUNE 8 @ 1-4 PMSAT JUNE 15 @ 1-4 PMSAT JUNE 22 @ 5-8 PMSAT JUNE 29 @ 1-4 PM
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