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Everything posted by skibunny

  1. I am a school club leader and was extremely upset to find out - only at the dinner last week- that Blue Mountain is doing away with the ambassador pass for advisors. This will create many problems for my group. Blue Mountain should have told us last year they were getting rid of this pass. I start getting my group together the first day of school and really count on that pass. It is the only compensation that we receive for all of our hard work as leaders. It is not an easy job to keep track of and chaperone many children on Blue Mountain. I thought this was very classless of Blue Mountain to pull the rug out from under us with no warning. A 10 time pass is of no comparison to the ambassador and I am insulted that Blue Mountain thinks it is! Is the mountain trying to save money or discourage groups from coming? I usuallyl have many volunteers to help with the club and now, without the ambassador pass, I hardly have any. This will make my job much harder. What a rotten move on Blue Mountain's part. Ray would never have done this to us.
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