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Everything posted by endangeredpedestrian

  1. i believe the loft at camelback has them behind the counter.
  2. i think you're over exagerating on the ft. of air he got. and you can only go about 25-30 until the flat if you go straight. 40 feet lengthwise means you'd have to cut it to the right. and for reference, the cheese wedge in the middle is 35 ft. from the kicker to the landing.
  3. the table after the hips is sweet. but my favorite features are the boxes, easily. i've learned so many new tricks on them, they're great.
  4. no, we were going to make a video called "window lickers" but no one wants to film. we always bring a camera but we never want to actually film. we'd rather ride. but we'll have a clip up in hopefully 2 weeks tops.
  5. rhodo park is super nice. the first table is so sick. if you angle more to the right then you can go bigger and spin more. and the 40 ft. table is soooo much fun. and the boxes are uber sick. so many hammers being dropped. our groomer (greg i think) is so sick. big ups to him for making such a fun park.
  6. instructor eh? who is this?
  7. fyi, the opening of rhodo park is going to be saturday now. and it looks insane, hopefully they let us keep all the features in it already.
  8. rhodo park should open up tomorrow during the day with both boxes.
  9. post away
  10. i wish i had a picture of my boy jeffy with his tooth knocked out on the mailbox
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