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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. Blast from the past!
  2. People around here have been flipping out more than usual over snow this winter. We’ve had 3ish 1 inch storms and you would think they were 1 foot storms. A 3-4 inch storm could shut down the area for days.
  3. I wish I wasn’t even aware of the snow for Sunday. I don’t even go on weather forums anymore and the stuff still finds me. I could care less about it for snowboarding, but it’s potentially lining up to snow right during the eagles game and that has me giddy
  4. The current setup of the skeleton funnels for the dumpsters doesn’t make much sense. They need to attach the canvas that make up the funnels
  5. Oil rig lift! Greek was great the two times I’ve been there
  6. Late this morning as it Took me an hour just to get to KOP this morning as I was stuck behind the plow line. Didn’t see anyone today at blue
  7. I loved the rare occasions I got to ride cleopatra triple in my younger days. That was open even less than the double next to it, I think mark anthony
  8. Me waiting on the Amtrak TR
  9. If you have a passport you can use that instead of real id for domestic flights
  10. Absolutely historic travel to blue this weekend. Saturday is last day of my life that I’ll get scanned at a toll plaza on the pa turnpike, and Sunday the first day ever I use open road tolling. Gonna have trouble sleeping tonight
  11. Rode from 1-4, it was great and empty
  12. Wait, blue will essentially be 100% open tomorrow?
  13. Rode from 5-9 tonight. Lighting was the worst I’ve ever seen at blue, some legit dangerous spots (for the old lights, new lighted trails are great). Place emptied out at 6
  14. Ridiculous not having the funnel trash cans up. I don’t know where they expected me to toss the coffee cup this weekend 😥
  15. Which train, nj transit maybe?
  16. I was surprised how empty the place was
  17. Have we ever figured out why every morning blue opens, the bottom lifts get a late start compared to the top rope drop? I’m guessing they are still waiting for the ski patrol ok for the lifts, which they don’t have to do at top lodge
  18. I have no motivation to wax my board but regardless I’ll be there
  19. I miss when you could show up with some canned green beans and get a ticket
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