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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. Damn that shit got locked and deleted quick
  2. Y’all probably pronounce the word fragile as “frah-jeel-Lee”
  3. That wasn’t a shot at Jeff in particular. It was a shot at anyone on earth who changes common things just to seem edgy. Kind of like Madonna and Johnny depp having British accents, despite being from Michigan and Kentucky
  4. It literally fucking says “kastle” on the skis. There is no way to pronounce it other than “cass-el” unless you are a pretentious person who wants to seem fancy
  5. I actually showed a few Porsche’s and even sold one. I purposely pronounced it “Pore-shhh” as I knew it bothered them. They couldn’t help themselves and corrected me every time.
  6. People abandoned mantras so they could appear fancy and use a goofy pronunciation of the word “castle” stop kidding yourselves, this isn’t Europe, the correct pronunciation is “cass-el”
  7. Ski2live’s trolling has improved alot recently. He’s been getting a bigger rise out of people than usual.
  8. police like to hide at the old Moore motors building where the speed limit drops suddenly to 25 mph. It was supposed to be turned into a wawa
  9. As of last season the sign for the bus is still on a pole on sidewinder
  10. One of the best days of the year, and coming soon was best runs of the season. Cold wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be, lucky for no wind
  11. Gas: $20 tolls: $13 (actually higher cause tolls just went up 5%) wawa: $7
  12. Hell yea @saltyant!
  13. It costs roughly $40 for me to make a round trip to blue
  14. But eating junk food is not a risk? Again, how many heart disease deaths vs chairlift deaths? Yet, you don’t say anything about something a million times more dangerous
  15. Couldn’t it be argued that people with vices such as junk food are hypocrites for criticizing those not using the bar, yet don’t criticize themselves on the March to heart disease? Chairlift falls are not the leading cause of death in America
  16. You gotta be a complete idiot to go into the Jackson hole backcountry with no avy gear
  17. What kills more people per year skiing…head injuries or lack of safety bars on chairlifts? Yet helmets aren’t required…
  18. Ya, The new lift going over both the learning hill and ski patrol shack is prime opportunity to be told to lower it
  19. Blue is cracking down on safety bars again
  20. Happy to help, but expect it changed by the end of today 😢
  21. You have to log them as separate days or they only count as one. I just checked your stats, you officially have 15 days but it’s only been logged as 14
  22. Make sure to post in stats as 2 separate days so you get credit for both places!
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