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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. damn right im butthurt, this place is fucking dead. why don't we have stickers? alot of people on this site have plenty of money to spare, make some stickers and we could put them up everywhere
  2. If ThinksnowGreg was to ever log back on, he would be disgusted at what this site has become. i can't believe you guys killed his creation like that
  3. raking leaves is a pointless task. the next morning the ground will be covered. idk why people dont just wait til the snow piles on top of the leaves and let mother nature take care of the rest
  4. who gives a fuck if its ski season? i wasnt aware this site shut down from april-november
  5. this site is dead as shit. 2 out of the 3 mods barely even post lol
  6. put new hay in the cattle cars that take you from the parking lot to the lodge. imagine if the blue crew had to park and take shuttles to the mountain every weekend morning lol
  7. Sounds like paulie from goodfellas
  8. in person or on the website? cause on the website i just ordered it, didnt have to fill out any forms
  9. just purchased my pass. as i assumed would happen, their awful fucking website couldn't find my old info, just like last year and the year before smh. gonna be waiting at the ticket window with jlaw and justo again opening day.
  10. if it wasnt for tanking, 70% of the sixers roster the past 3 years would not be in the NBA. the sixers were a glorified D league team. but they played damn well last night, i cant believe they were tied with OKC with a minute and a half to go. Embiid looks insane
  11. well they have been purposely losing for the past 3 seasons
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV1lFINv9Vc
  13. lol i saw that clip. dude dropped all that money on courtside seats and got kicked out in the first quarter, but they let him stay in the arena at least. embiid dropped 20 points in 22 minutes, fucking impressive
  14. russell westbrook
  15. i cant believe they almost beat Oklahoma City. the thunder are 1 of the 4 only teams in the league that have a shot for the finals
  16. PASR's very own VTmark just got off the phone with blue and the deadline for season passes before the rate increases is Halloween. ill have to purchase one in the next few days. pretty sweet my car insurance bill and season pass will be on the same credit card monthly statement, looking forward to getting that
  17. suddenly buying a patroller jacket off ebay seems like a good idea
  18. Flyers game tonight
  19. im going to the flyers game tonight
  20. fuck deer
  21. im still tripping over the fact that allentown has hipsters lol whats next, coatesville hipsters?
  22. 28 miles each way
  23. years ago my dumbass came down that hill with a little too much speed and held onto the liftline ropes to slow down (place was empty). fucked my gloves up pretty bad but lesson was learned and havent done it since
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