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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. On the pond skim comments blue stated Sunday will not be closing day
  2. It was good to see ya. Unfortunately sleep was not good to me last night
  3. Fell asleep when I got home yesterday and woke up at 11 pm. Didn’t fall back asleep til 4 smh
  4. While I appreciate the suggestion, I’m trying not to spend money on lift tickets as blue’s midweek hours this week will cost me $120
  5. Blue being open this upcoming midweek kinda screwed me lol. I was totally at peace with 48 days this year, my second busiest season ever. Now I gotta get in 3 days between Tuesday and Friday, while hoping they have night hours Friday as the day is a no go so I can get to 51
  6. Cardboard box derby on the 23rd, pond skim on 17th
  7. Someone on the lift said an employee told them blue is trying to stay open til the 24th which is why pond skimming hasn’t been announced yet. A story like that has to be true.
  8. Should be there all 3 days. Late arrival tomorrow morning due to hockey
  9. Straight Fleetwood Mac style
  10. 42 out of 43 coffee cups made this year from the lift. It’s a shame NBA scouts don’t ride at blue cause I’d be in the league if they did. The quad is the toughest…it’s a 3 point shot. The newer 6er is a standard 2 point shot. The OG 6er is way too easy…it’s like a lay up on a 6 foot hoop
  11. theprogram4

    Sale rumors...

    Aren’t hall and Oates beefing now?
  12. Ahh damn I totally didn’t hear you and somehow didn’t see you
  13. Today was excellent. Quinnesential spring skiing. Rode from 9-12. Only the quad was running, sometimes had 20 second lines. Coming soon was un groomed and not too good. Paradise was excellent. Nightweaver was excellent and ROTD. Razors was excellent. Challenge was ok but I only did that once. Sidewinder was closed. Switchback was excellent but may get the knockout blow in the next few days. Didn’t hit Main Street but shit stain looked big.
  14. He’s a positive person and I’m a negative person🤷‍♂️
  15. Ice, cookies, and bare spots. Was to be expected though
  16. In ain’t easy being steezy, but I somehow someway, keep coming up with funky ass shit like every single day. I actually brought a cooler with ice packs and put some snow from the base into a jar. Gonna keep it in my freezer the way married couples keep a piece of their wedding cake to commemorate the momentous occasion.
  17. Rode from 9-1 today. Least crowded day of the year, worst conditions of the year, and windiest day of the year. A very fun time though. Snowmaking cannons were blasting on a bunch of trails. Definitely cool to experience the once in a lifetime opportunity of riding on February 29th. It was like the hailie’s comet of ski days
  18. As a kid I took yearly trips there with my dad. Definitely a fascinating place. I thought the observation tower was awesome but most people hated it and were happy to see it demolished
  19. I was under the impression it’s a felony to point a gun at someone, but things may be different in Utah
  20. Those are great lawn mowing shoes
  21. Not to mention they get social security which will be long gone by the time we reach that age
  22. Today was fun. If you like to ski/snowboard I recommend going to blue mountain as it’s a good time
  23. Early post of the year candidate
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