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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. best part about this turf setup is how many times you get to seee mad bitches all in bikinis loosing there tops and bottoms on the flooo rider alll day yeah i suggest u bring your binocolars and just sit on top of the turf deck all day...dont get any better than that thanks cbk!!!
  2. actually shes already reppin G Spot/Spectrum board shop, Forum and Special Blend
  3. here the link http://vimeo.com/3329896
  4. JIB FOR GEORGE AT CAMELBACK FEBRUARY 22ND - Prizes 1st place - $200 and CamelCard, 2nd place
  5. tslattson

    Short edit

    here a short edit from about 2 weeks ago of my little brother http://vimeo.com/3241301
  6. here the link http://vimeo.com/3138605
  7. Yeah the last jump in rhodo was open today and is easily 60 ft. and it is very nice and very fun to hit only u have to hit the first jump and strait line from there and use the second jump as a roller, but its pretty fun to hit
  8. heard the last jump is going to be about 60 feet and should be open tommorow
  9. tslattson

    thank you

    so i speak for everyone when i say thank you to Will and the guys up the i believe that camelback's terrain park is really comming together especially for it being this early in the season, so thank you and keep the good work and dont be afraid to get creative and do very unusual shit cause im pretty sure that creativity will really get peoples attention thank you
  10. nah his name is craig
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