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Everything posted by Nipples

  1. yea he is crazy he drops snow balls off the lifts at hot girls what a luke you got a nick name my nick name is nipples. Don't come a like me or like my brother Ridge. I'm a just me
  2. It was great from 5:00 to 10:00 so 5 hours of skiing the set up had a little mess up with getting speed for the huge lip but I'm sure next year Joe will fix it. DHarrisburg was the 1st snowboarder to do it. It got better once he left and tom was cleaning 270s on and evan was tring 450s on but by the end of the jam I finaly made it to the end and started doing 270s off. I was so ligth that I couldn't make it to the end and I got 25 mins of footy.
  3. Scerw the Ski Patroll I'm a rager hater. Easy for Ridge and Adeam to do 3 min. I think they could do it in 2 min I don't know if they can do that I just gessed well'l see and how about for the FS we do it swicth.
  4. Nipples

    Yo Jeff~

    I have heard tons of good stuff about the metron's also.. ooooops need to log off.... damn kids..
  5. nice vid.
  6. Nipples

    Yo Jeff~

    Thats his dream.
  7. Nipples

    new boot

  8. You suck you can't do anything ^^^^^^ Ummmm how about a half pipe, 60 foot rail, and 60 foot jump I'll come with some real stuff later.
  9. Welcome to pasr. Ummm not to me be rude but there paark wasn't good in anything. I will come up with some ideas later. Glad some one wants to make the park better.
  10. Nipples

    ski's for steeze

  11. Good to know
  12. I tried to do that on round top's it didn't trune out the way I wish it did.
  13. Yeah we had a blast papasteeze and ridge fell so many times they didn't want to make a second run So me and greg were the only ones to make a second run just like skiing I was the last off the lift.
  14. Ok so I was talking to a very reliable source at bear creek today at the picnic about the park he said that the company that built new rainbow box and the 2 C boxes that conect to make a S box is called Planet Snow that the quality of the boxes was so poor that they ofered to discount 2 new rails. Which one are a 57 foot roller coster just like round top's but is made out of the same stuff as the rainbow box and Cs. It's 11 inches wide. In case you don't know want a roller coster is it is a box or rail that has two humps with a kick off the end. The other box is a 13 foot dragon box just like boulder's only this one is alot skinnyer than boulder's but made out of the same suff as the Cs, rainbow and roller coster boxes and by the same company Planet Snow. The dargon box is 11 inches thick to. In case you don't know want a dragon box or rail is it is a box or rail that has one hump and a small kick off the end. Now here is the sick thing about it they are going to put the dragon in front of the roller coster you have a there hump roller coster with a kick off the end so you got a 70 foot long 11 inch thick roller coster box.
  15. 1 of the illest skier http://www.newschoolers.com/PHP/Videos/Loa...p4?vid_id=20527
  16. Just go to roundtop this year.
  17. That is Alex Curry but we call him Curry. The resson he has DC all over the place is cause he is spored by DC.
  18. So Curry I see you finally got a sn on pasr.
  19. Nipples


    You are Tom rigth
  20. I had a good 30 min. talk with dave Johnson we should see soome impovment in there park next year.
  21. I would ski around with sparklers in my hand.
  22. When burt was beating on me that was filmed at 2 different times if you havent notice yet.
  23. I was doing 180 up on it stale 180 out.
  24. It is real shi@y footy but I migth post it later.
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