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  • Equipment
    boards: '05 head iXRC 1100 177cm LD12's AM cruiser 116/68/100 r15.6m '06 fischer riu 180cm x10's twin tips 112/80/104 r16m '07 volkl racetiger sl 165 atomic neox412 scalpels '10 dynastar legend sultan 85's 178 cm look px12 fluid bikes: '13 Giant trance x 29er 1 trail bike '00 GT aggressor HT
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mbike-ski's Achievements

Bronze Medalist

Bronze Medalist (8/10)


Community Answers

  1. Nice, you get Indy this year? If so let me know if you want do a Shawnee uphill one afternoon
  2. that's the beauty of it, you get to nibble around the perimeter to make buccee heads!
  3. Fun morning ski and lunch, did a few more fun runs with @tarponhead and the man with 2 first names and Marty, gals to celebrate with yal/ yins , makes me so ….
  4. mbike-ski

    Boot Fitters

    Looks like it worked really well, feels like it’s in the right spot too ! We’ll see next time out
  5. mbike-ski

    Boot Fitters

    Yea I talked to him about it the other day, since its just the one spot I just heated heated up the one area for 15 minutes with Mrs snobunski’s blow dryer (sshhh 😉) if it doesnt work I’ll heat up the whole shell they are supposedly mold able shells. Too bad JD and mugsy aren’t still at blue 😒
  6. mbike-ski

    Boot Fitters

    So the new boots are good except for one hot spot on the tumor that must’ve grown into the old boots Not sure where to go locally for a punch decided to try a diy, $30 and a C clamp later I am set to give it a go Marked The spot and heated those puppies up and clamped ‘em, will pet you know how it works out
  7. Blah blah… everyone and no one low viz no crowds, saweet snow and sidewinder too! Fun morning topped off with some beer and grilled meat! edit: first time 100% piste before new years ?
  8. Jelly, looks like I’m gonna have to start traveling for some xcd
  9. bummed they don't open til 9 tomorrow though
  10. It looks like the pa dirtbags do it right https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDlXoYPt3_C/?igsh=Z2kyMGZ5dnl1eWI=
  11. nice! I had planned on riding after work but I feel like shit so going home to nap...
  12. lol in '86 I was probably 20-30 dead shows in... 🫠 I did watch the monkees, banana splits and sigmund and the sea mosters back in the day
  13. Then its a good thing I'm cheap and gonna milk these OEM's for another 5-10K lol
  14. Since I'm working out of a job trailer trying to get a building out of the ground its going to be brutally cold and snowy this winter, you're welcome!
  15. anybody riding this afternoon/evening?
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