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    boards: '05 head iXRC 1100 177cm LD12's AM cruiser 116/68/100 r15.6m '06 fischer riu 180cm x10's twin tips 112/80/104 r16m '07 volkl racetiger sl 165 atomic neox412 scalpels '10 dynastar legend sultan 85's 178 cm look px12 fluid bikes: '13 Giant trance x 29er 1 trail bike '00 GT aggressor HT
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Bronze Medalist (8/10)


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  1. After the thaw and rain yesterday was expecting everything to be locked in, pleasantly surprised to find pixie dust on corduroy crust morning conditions and views exceeded expectations in a groomer zoomer sort of way Snow stayed grippy and edge able all day as winds and clouds increased enough to shut down the Mt. Ellen lifts and head to Lawsons
  2. Have you ever seen npr tiny desk lol?
  3. If you're' bored and feel like reading it hers a post from a few years back: Some years ago I did the XC trails at Greek Peak and had a fun workout so I picked up a cheapo metal edge XC "BC" setup. It was great fun tooling around the local woods and mtb trails – a great mix of my favorite aspects of both skiing and mountain biking. So much fun I upgraded to some epochs with 3 pins/leathers and started taking them along on trips and expanding my terrain, blowing off friends at Stratton to ski Stratton Pond trail etc. There was a lot of highly entertaining XCD energy on the interwebz back then to add to the stoke. I was getting myself in trouble quickly though on the descents with some ass puckering moments so I started taking the XCD setup to the hill to try to get a handle on the turn. The fishscales suck on PA groomed “snow” though so I threw some 3 pins on an old pair of twin tips and got some used 2 -buckle plastic boots to ease the frustration. I started breaking them out every Sunday for a few runs just to up my XCD game. As my skill progressed and started finding “the turn”, I started staying out longer and longer with them. After my hip replacement I try to limit my bump skiing to a few runs on the softest days. With tele found I could attempt to ski low impact bumps and tele-surfing moguls might even be more fun than alpine?! Between Jake and a few others there's a decent tele tribe here at blue and was typically committing to regular Tele Sundays. I still like the power and speed of alpine and don’t think I’ll ever switch full time. I really like the simplicity, freedom and lightness of my current tele touring setup and don’t have any plans on upgrading and will just leave it as two different activities to do on the mountain. Still rockin’ the 3-pins and two buckle boots although considering getting an NTN setup one of these days.
  4. Happy World Telemark Day from Greek! Looks like the band might get back together
  5. Nice! How's is Donny's friend? He's a good dude. What do y'all keep in your packs, mainly for hydration? Speaker 🤣? I've only used a pack for on piste lift served if the forecast is supposed to change drastically throughout the day or carry a lot of beers lol
  6. Inspired by the snow squall I did a little Shawnee uphill after work on Indy, goal was two transitions and 1,000 vert, ended up just short at 963’. I don’t think I saw 20 people lol
  7. PM me if you do Montage and want some company
  8. Since I was already soaked after skiing Sunday morning I pushed all the slush off the driveway when I got home. Our walk is another story. I ran out of ice melt/salt so I tried using a length of roof de-icer cable with a tarp over it to melt it. Worked pretty good but it doesn't really drain anywhere so it would just refreeze when I I tried to leaf blow / sweep the water off. Just made it slicker... No rock salt/ice melt to be found anywhere so got a bag of pool salt from Walmart, ice gone.
  9. Yup it was moistlyy delightfilicious
  10. Aight, I have few day to kill in VT next month, will put this on the list
  11. Nice, a few years back I had planned to ski Hogback but my back had other plans and spasmed the whole ride up from PA. Not sure if it’s still there but there was a distillery in the old lodge and spent the day medicatin’
  12. You know those traction thingys work better when when you put them in the snow under the tars 🤣
  13. Exhibition was down so we alternated between the HSQ and fixed grip lookers left
  14. MrsSnoBunSki and I set sail for Jay in the cold, rain and snow early Thursday morning, becoming all snow right around Albany. Friday morning we woke up to howling winds and boot deep snow. The wind would keep all the upper mountain lifts closed, so we lapped the the fractional Moons and Bushwacker before taking an early lunch. It was a ton of fun and the low angle trees would provide a good warmup for Saturday. After lunch we had the great idea to make the drive to check out Bolton Valley only to find that Indy redemptions are limited to one a day. Implementing Plan C we slummed it with a few beers at the Alchemist. A few more inches overnight and diminished winds gave the green light for Saturday morning, finding everything from a few inches on corduroy to knee deep snow all over the mountain. Lines moved quickly except for the tram (which we skipped - again!) It was hard to contain my powder frenzy but I did so enough to get my fill of trees and get MrSnoBunSki in and out of her comfort zone. My best day at Jay with no wind (’cept on the Flyer lol), deep blower, sun and snow showers. Dumping again when we left for home Sunday morning, we made a stop at Berkshire East which had gotten around 6" or so. More great snow but the lines were a little long so we only got 6-7 runs in before heading south to watch the Birds annihilate the Chiefs -GO BIRDS!!!
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