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Everything posted by mbike-ski

  1. Happy first day of Winter to All!!! Hope to hook up for a few runs with evryone this season!
  2. I had some looooong RD's like those in the background - 215 Coyotes !
  3. If you miss Sunday they play it again Monday at 5pm - at least they did last week, Nice Recap Ski999!
  4. mbike-ski


    Blue is definately kid friendly- explorers is great and no hassles, 6 & underjust go right thru the ticket check! I'm bummed my youngest turned 7 but now he can do some group lessons to increase his control
  5. My head skis came with the SL-100's also, I planned to change them out but they have performed and held up very well and are still on the skis - with riser plates though. You can add them aftermarket when you get them mounted if you want
  6. aright jib, now were talkin music! Next time your up in VT check out named by strangers
  7. If Papa goes for so will I! I figure weve got to be around the same age...back in the day when a 360 was a helicopter! Oh yeah and we had spread eagles and the dubious daffy \ / !
  8. I just saw this on snocountry.com anybody know anything about it? October 2005 Scranton National Ski & Snowboard Expo When: Friday, October 07 2005 @ 12:00 AM - Sunday, October 09 2005 @ 12:00 AM Where: Wyoming Valley Mall , PA Description: Preseason ski and snowboard show. Open to the public. Show times will vary.
  9. For the past 3 years I've rented for 3 kids from Nestors and/or Army Navy - had good equipment for the most part - Axis at nestors and new elan and 'tomics from AN. THe only problem has been boots - the rear entry's really do suck. The staff is more knowledgeable at Nestors - had to rturn to AN 3 times over the season for setttings/adjustment/replacemant but Nestors is considerably more expensive even with the pre-season discount. If I bought I could have my own swap meet at the end of the season !
  10. Wow...It blows me away that all those views ar within a 10 mi hike...I'd be afraid that I'd be stretching my neck looking around and do some involuntary rock rolling!!!
  11. hmmm...I thought maybe I'd see Blue Mountain listed but it's not there
  12. Woo-Hoo, that's great news! I'm really looking forward to the NASTAR thing this year and getting the kids into it- maybe the wife will even run a few gates! Blue also has a club pass rate - a 6 weekday pass for just over $100 - a real bargain, that's what we've done the last few years One more week to fill the lungs with cold air and set the edges - sorry, its' just the end of spring hockey...
  13. Great owned cats & kids pics! Don't know anything about Blue but The Morning Call reported laste week - Friday?- in the business section that Camelback got owned by someone new...
  14. What would be involved with doing a rail jam in a rink? My son and I both play hockey at the Steel Ice Center in Bethlehem and I could talk tothem about it. I'm sure it would depend on how much open ice time they have and how bad they want to fill those slots but it could be a cool promotional event for them
  15. Amen brotha!!! Sorry, getting caught up in all this Pope-de-doo. I just don't understand what's not to look up to when somenone gives it 100% + EVERY race proving that shaer will, balls, whatever can overcome ones (dis) abilities. The days of sports role models beyond the slope/field/ice/court are pretty much over as far as I'm concerned - look around.
  16. Nice Job Ridge!! Great articlle!!! I added PASR team to my NASTAR profile - honored to ski on the same team!!
  17. that would be awsome!! I was wondering why they don't have it
  18. would love to - i just got an email from mt snow about reggae weekend - could act like a real "bode" - ski and party! but it's not in the cards. Been lurkin since i came across this site a few weeks ago, what caught my interest was the nastar - had a blast up at sugarbush racing last month and would like to check it out here next season.
  19. new to the forum...since I'm done skiing all i can do is talk about it. my take on bode is that he didn't really relate to the media during the cup, and that's low key. there was NO mainstream coverage & half the skiers i talked to weren't really folowing close. I think he's just planning on what to do when verybody and there mother wants to be his best friend during the olympics, and he want to tell them to all *&^ off. its just bode being bode, unothodox from his skiing style to his bus rides! no snow and the trails are too muddy to ride
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