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Everything posted by mbike-ski

  1. c'mon blue you can do it!11 your'e my boy!!!!!! Greek Peak closed Sunday with 6" fresh, decided to stay open M-W and shooting for the weekend...
  2. I ended the season poaching lower raceway but it was nowhere near as climactic as last years sidewinder....
  3. fun day to wrap up a good season!
  4. oh yea you were stealth alright when you flew by us on razors! 🤣
  5. lot's of good one's of the bumpers too but I couldn;t find one of @indiggio
  6. wait did you not see mute?!?!?
  7. Hah I’ve been using the eggplant emoji in new context with skitoolive posts, cool to use it with actual eggplant lol! any one find a ski between main and switch give me a shout…
  8. Fun night
  9. ive heard it said fog eats snow, say it ain;t so...
  10. gonna mix it up with the brekis burrito casserole, there also also a bunch of leeks and spinach in the fridge 😉
  11. I wasn't planning on skiing tonight but afraid they might close tomorrow....FOMO much
  12. since peeps seem to be on the fence about breakfast I might do some kind of breakfast casserole thingy
  13. Haha too funny as we saw not one but two indiggio look alikes last night, but no real deal!
  14. A little caramels ok, it’s the chocolate chips that’ll get ya
  15. wait, so mini law is a ramones fan?!
  16. I miss the days of the Bump-N-Jump
  17. look at all that snow on LOB
  18. whadya get?!
  19. Hopefully they sell the tech to another mfg!
  20. Ha it looks like almost the same spot I stopped at a few weeks ago!
  21. are the PASR's there today? where's the report?!?!? @mute1080
  22. Longish morning, switched out of tele after beer break and ski’d until lunch at slowside. I stayed in my boots longer than @indiggio lol
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