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Everything posted by mbike-ski

  1. Any conditions update? Planning on being up Saturday and Sunday....
  2. reports?
  3. mbike-ski

    Bode News

    ehh he sucks, its the wax
  4. thursday 6:30-8:30 and sunday 2:30 -4:30 i think its on the website and the nastar.com
  5. mbike-ski

    Bode News

    this mb is going to sh!t
  6. yea it was pretty packed this morning, by 8:45 the rush of folks came on quick, the conditions were dissapointing after thursday night, i guess it turned to rain later and evrything got chunked up - with the snowmaking it went from chalk to hardpack quickly on any given run, the best was barneys with lotsa of soft snow - thought i was gonna have a season ender when a boarder wiped out on the rainbow rail on ltp, he cougt an edge and shot right into my line on the left of the roller, my right ski caught his binding and i body slammed HARD thinkin i dislocated my shoulder, the kid was OK so i cut my losses and called it a morning. by the time i got home the shoulder felt OK but my leg siezed up with a deep bruise to the thigh, cant support any weight unless my knee is locked - time for the wal-buprofin and ice.......
  7. great snow some good grub - best snow so far for me tonight, wasn't feelin the nastar though, finally got a decent start on my last run, mrs snowbunski silvered woot! da damn da ddoug you missed a good day...
  8. thoughts, prayers and vibes to his family..god bless
  9. plannin' on doing a few with my son - he is soo stoked
  10. cool, thanks for the update!
  11. mbike-ski

    Bode News

    yep... just wax
  12. conditions / TR? heading up super bowl weekend...
  13. read the outside article on him today...definatley maniacal...as of this point im in for blues skierx but it might be the smuttynose ipa's talkin'
  14. some sweet pix
  15. 'oly chit!
  16. I see the SkierCross Race is coming up, any body run it before or plan on doing it. It sounds like it'd be fun but I don't want to embare-ass and/or hurt myself too bad...they need and old fat guy division!
  17. effin awsome report/pix and snow...
  18. i was hoping to do the race clinic this year but have too much going on with house stuff, i'd like to hear how it is if you guys go...
  19. i tell ya the all season resort is where its at
  20. mbike-ski

    1/5 TR

    sound like you had a good day...i won't be there til thursday..oh shit GO STEELERS!
  21. mbike-ski

    1/5 TR

    yea it was prwtty entertaining watching them F around with the death cookie dough on lower sidewinder all morning
  22. mbike-ski

    1/5 TR

    GREAT morning conditions...the snow and my legs deteriorated quickly tho and left about 2 hours /13 runs after catching the 3rd or 4th chair. wierd not seeing doug there on a saturday am, guess he and chippy had other plans- tr please... no mtbr's, nastar glenn or brent, skiid solo except for a few runs showin a dude the early hidden cord stash on middle sidewinder before the park peeps rolled in, that and main st had the best snow. was the first down paradise after the groomer, so sweet but it went to sh!t quickly. you shoulda said hey nox, saw the gti there, couldnt rememeber if it was yours or bmttroubles'..mc sounds like bikercross was cool, you got some big bawlz. when i checked out the course the rollers into the table top looked like it would eat some riders for sure, i definatly got to find some vid on that since i had to leave early for house stuff...its a tossup between the early runs and the smuttynose IPA as far as hightlights of the day go - mbike out oh yea and you know its gonna be a good day when you get called an asshole by one of the groomers on your second run.... he was halfway crossing homestretch below the falls and wanted me stop rather than just ski wide right way behind him
  23. hahahaha...he was asking about you last night and was bummed to hear about AtomicJeff
  24. ouch...i guess so 35+
  25. i went tubing once with our church group and wished i was skiing the whole time...
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