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Everything posted by PAsnwboardr

  1. I also forgot to ask if anyone has any suggestions for a good wax. I'm just looking for something that is not too expensive and will protect my base and make me go a little faster on the local trails. I heard alot of people talking about Doctor D's waxes but i'm also looking at oneballjay waxes and hertler super hot sauce waxes. If anyone had suggestions i'd appreciate it thanks
  2. Hey All, I just got a new snowboard (Rome Agent) and I went on a few runs with it already and it works great. I have never waxed my previous board myself, I always had a shop do it but i'm gonna try it with my new board. But my question is that when it eventually comes time to wax, should I use a base cleaner prior to waxing to remove dirt and grime or not? I heard conflicting things about base cleaners but i mostly have heard it can dry out the base, Is this true? Most articles around the net suggest to use a "hot wax" method instead of base cleaners to remove prior wax build up and grime. Just needed some advice. Thanks
  3. Hey all, I just wanted to know if anyone owns/has ridden a Lib Tech Skate Banana and what their opinions of it are. I have heard mostly good things about it. Also if you were looking to buy a good all mountain freestyle board (I would be riding more mountain than park) would you go with the banana or another board? Thanks
  4. boardin nerd, what year agent do you have is it this years because thats the one i heard that the top layer peels? i don't know about last years
  5. yea I heard about some things like that i'm not sure if they are all true but the one thing i remember hearing is that the top layer peels and scratches easily. I heard capita's scare/stair are comparable to the agent but agent was my first choice
  6. ok thanks for all the suggestions i think i'll most likely go with the agent even though i'm still a little unsure because i heard the top layer peels off but overall i think it will be the board i go with instead of the anthem. thanks again
  7. Hey all, Its getting toward the end of the season and i'm still in need of a decent board. Though i am still unsure which board to get. I had my heart set on an agent but the only hesitation i have about it is that i heard the top layer peels and its not too good for all mountain riding. I heard the anthem is still much better for all mountain riding and does well in the park. I ride 70% trails and 30% park but that could change by next season. I weight around 165 lbs. and am around 5'10". I am definitely going to pick one or the other. I know most people on here have more experience with these boards than what I do, so any opinions? Thanks all
  8. Thanks again for all the advice, One more question I went to the local board shop and they said that the agent was really only meant for park and not so much trails. I don't know if this is right. I checked out the agent and really liked what I saw. Since I mostly do trails about 70% of the time i'm wondering if the agent would be a good pick for going mostly trail riding than park riding. I'm just starting to get into the whole park thing. Thanks again for all your advice it has really helped me
  9. Thanks for all the help guys. Yea i know my picks are all over the spectrum i went to a few different shops and everyone told me different things whether a board was freeride or freestyle, its my first real board I bought since my previous one my brother gave me. But if anything i think i will go with last years agent i have heard nothing but good things from them. I mostly ride trails but do park about 20%-30% of the time and it seems like the agent would be a good board for that. Thanks for all the advice
  10. Hey all, A little while ago I posted a thread asking for advice on a new board and got some great advice. Well after some searching I have narrowed it down to a few boards and just want to get your opinions. I have shopped around at a few stores to get an idea of what i wanted but the sales people were no help. I have narrowed it down to the rome agent (a little over my budget), k2 darkstar, k2 zepplein (a little overbudget), or a ride prophet. Does anyone have any experience/opinions on any of these boards? I decided to stick with a board around 156cm and go with an all around board since i mostly do trails and sometimes park. As of right now i'm leaning more towards the zepplein. Is there any other boards I should check out? I'm trying to spend no more than 400 bucks. Again thanks for all the help
  11. thanks for all the help, i'll have to check out some of the boards you guys mentioned, I think ultimately i'll go with a 154 or 156cm board. I definitely don't want something quite as big as I have now. But i will be sure to check out some of the rome boards. Thanks again
  12. So i'm in need of a new snowboard. However, i don't know know which one to get. My old snowboard is a 158cm 06 Burton Clash. Its nothing special but it is in pretty rough shape. I have never shopped for a snowboard because the one I had before my brother gave me for my b-day. I just need some people's advice on what snowboard to get or what's worked well for you. I'm looking to spend around $300-500 on just the board. I'm guessing I need a all mountain freeride board since I typically ride about 60% trails and 40% terrain park. I'm just taking my old bindings off the old board. I'm not sure what size to get either, i'm 5'10 and weigh 165 lbs. Any advice would help me
  13. the seller of the board is retarded
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