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About Nero

  • Birthday 07/04/1983

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Skis, Board, Tele
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain
    Anywhere I can

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Anywhere thrs snow but mostly Pa.
  • Interests
    hiking anything with snow, spring break - yeah - food - beer - Boston Red Sox - marilyn, ozzie,

Nero's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Yesterday was close to perfect. Will be there next weekend on Sunday - maybe Saturday too!
  2. Have seen this dozens of times - very well said.
  3. Nero

    Early Closing

    It was good to see that BG spent some $$ to fix up the area around the Summit Lodge. Wouldn't have taken too much $$ for another week. Yes, CB tomorrow, BB Saturday, and BB Sunday
  4. Lets see.... snow in the Poconos again. Years ago, Blue would have remained open for at least a week longer than they did - maybe even two weeks. Season Pass at CB again.
  5. Really, it's pretty simple. Helmets won't protect against all head injuries, however they will protect against a fairly high percentage. This is particularly true on beginner trails where skiers and riders are not going all that fast. It doesn't take much impact to cause a closed head injury - that would have been alleviated with a helmet. However, nothing will protect someone who hits a stationary object bombing down some run at 50MPH. Nor will a helmet protect a motorcycle rider at that speed. Theres really nothing to argue about here.
  6. Only skiied at Blue Mtn 1 or 2 days during the holidays. I ski just about every day. How to count? It's a pretty good estimate - BM has vert of 1082, however, some runs (Main St) might only be 750 vert. Come on - it's easy to do the math. Camelback is about 800, JF about 600, Killington - depends on the run.
  7. I've skied at least 1 or 2 days during Christmas week every year. If there was a blackout during that period it's the first I know about it. And - I hit about a million vert every year.
  8. Looks like the roids have eaten too much of your brain
  9. Tuckerman
  10. Nice job JFBB - the glades will be even better next season
  11. You're missing my point - For as long as I've been a weekday season pass holder, said pass was honored during the week regardless of whether it was considered a "holiday" or not. The "new policy" that I am talking about changes that and diminishes the value by "blacking out" certain days. The trend in recent years with American business has been to 1. try to maintain the price in order to be competitive; 2. give the consumer less for the same price in order to secure short term profitablity) and 3. Make "less" appear to be more by throwing in "something else" - something that doesn't really cost anything. Why should the ski industry be any different and that's what's happening here. Probably elsewhere too. Now - "legally" - of course I don't have a leg to stand on - you're right about that. Ownership could do whatever they want. However, you expect that type of business behavior from large corporations (ever notice how 10 ounces of coffee still comes in a 16 ounce sized can) not your local ski area. Blue is an excellent mountain. They have an excellent record of investing to develop infrastructure. That, my friend, is not the issue
  12. Yes, they are doing great - for now - the businesses that survive the current recession are the ones that give more to the customer
  13. Real nice - I just enjoyed that here in work!
  14. Just stay focused on the problem here. Yet another example of business giving the consumer less and disguising it as more.
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