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  1. I hate the whole rivalry thing of who is better and who sucks, it defeats what i believe the purpose of snowboarding is. And, that is to get out there with your boys and shred however hard you wanna shred with being criticized because its recreation. With that being said i have been doing the majority of my riding at Camelback. Blue just doesnt seem to have it together this year, they are more focused on there stupid TV show than having a good park crew. All of boulders good features got sent to vermont thanks to Mt. Snow. Camelback has had a new feature in almost everytime i have gone. The layout has changed more times than i can count. The grooming is fantastic. The crew is out there all the time with rakes. I think boulders reign has come and is now on its way out. But like i said before who cares. Go out and ride and have fun and take in every park for its good points instead of complaining about what isnt being done. There is so much more being done for the freestyle community than ever before by all the resorts.
  2. Got to ride up there today. Skipped out on school. I usually go to blue since i am in the lehigh valley but i heard from friends that camelback was pretty good. It was alittle icy and i was the only one in there except for Ross who was holdin it down and the other park guys (sorry i didnt get to meet you all). The little jib park thing was fun. Ross and the crew today were def on point. Keep up the awesome work. Hands down a complete 180 from last year. gj
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