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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. Yeah, it is a personal problem that my skill is way to high for the type of jumps on that run. I can't help that I am a prodigy, and have an innate set of skills.
  2. Did you read what I wrote earlier, they are too easy to over shoot. I am so used to flying to clear shit and then it's so weird downgrading to such a smaller jump. And no I am not one of those kids.
  3. Your avatar is annoying and so are your abbreviations for certain words.
  4. YouTube has the all 7 parts of the movie in HD, for anyone that was unaware.
  5. I can totally picture you as an overweight gay man.
  6. Yeah bad organization and wild behavior of that of the EMS is a tell tale sign of PCP usage.
  7. No, they are. The Forum Republics, the ones that I want are more low profile than Burtons, which utilizes large bulky amounts of plastic. The Forums appear to be metal but not positive on that. There are very big differences, that only a trained eye (like mine) can see.
  8. Dear Oakley, Your home mountain says Bear Creek so I don't really want to, but I guess I could give you a warning.
  9. How was the jam to all who went. Who won? P.S. I heard the EMS dudes were on PCP.
  10. Dear toast, Get out of the Bear Creek forum, you don't belong here. You Bluer you.
  11. Really? Am I, really?
  12. I demoed a Burton Hero after I had bought my board for the season, and wish I would have bought the Hero from the beginning. RC is amazing and I don't think I will ever go back to the old cambered boards. People saying it's a scam; its the future, isn't Libtechs whole line of 09' boards have the Bannana tech? And basically every company is hopping on the bandwagon to get their RC model board out.
  13. Yeah Forum's bindings have differnent aspects that I like, rather than Burtons. Burton may own Forum but it's products are not the same. Simmer down.
  14. Fall back? Are you kidding me, flex that e-muscle.
  15. Chill out broski.
  16. If that was what Blue has, no one cares, Blue Mountain sucks for park. Keep your spamming out of here.
  17. Nah, that link just takes me to google.com
  18. So you keep that rail chained to a tree right outside of the rink? If so thats sick.
  19. That setup looks jenky, just like all rail jam setup's that aren't at a mountain.
  20. It's fucking stupid I hate Burton bindings and would much prefer ride's or really any other brand. EST are overpriced and I don't want an all Burton setup. The board I got should have been offered in both bolts and ICS but sadly, it's not. I think I am going to cop some Forum Republics and put the conversion plate that came with the board.
  21. That link doesn't work.
  22. Black Bear has a new jump run, if anyone has not been there since they made it, which was I think Wednesday. The jumps are kind of small, too close together and easy to overshoot, but it could be worse.
  23. Thankyou BC for making snow last night, conditions were decent today, and compared to yesterday were amazing.
  24. Yeah, it's been an icefest everywhere recently, ever since that rain storm two days back.
  25. Wow, nice picture, did you photoshop that yourself? The redundant quality of the word fail or forums is astonishing.
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