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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. Haha, I am already here riding as I text this.
  2. Getting first tracks tomorrow.
  3. I can't wait to start riding again. I hope it's not packed tomorrow.
  4. Instead of showing off our new outerwear, we can show off our new underwear.
  5. Inflation.
  6. Yeah, that's what I am saying. People on here just don't have the mental capacity to accept or try something new. No big deal.
  7. Finally getting cold out. Wouldn't need to worry about the weather if Bear Creek just built a dome over the whole mountain.
  8. Yeah, that damn weather is really something.
  9. So how about staying on track.
  10. You sounded like Justo for a second, ^
  11. Yeah hike up. You really don't need a lift ticket ever. I do it all the time. You should see my quads.
  12. Yo, Justo, get your pro-Blue Mountain propaganda jibber jabber out of here. Better yet, just get out of here.
  13. Is their snow better or different in some way?
  14. Carnival park.
  15. Yo, Saurus, I didn't know, "phaggoty" was a word.
  16. Your mind with my comments.
  17. Buncha yahoos.
  18. Thanks for acknowledging me.
  19. Inflation.
  20. Yo, I didn't know the courtyard had parking for dumb cars.
  21. Hi, how is it going.
  22. Yeah. Did you get a free pass yet Saurus?
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