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About firebirds98

  • Birthday 04/20/1987

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  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Heading up Next Thursday the 13th, any1 been there recently? I rather have a conditions report off of this forum rather then off their website
  2. One of the time before the New Year I saw about 5-6 kids spitting and throwing snowballs off the lifts at people, as soon as i got off the lift i told them to cut their sh*t. About 2.5 hours later my buddy was riding in front of me right under the two man lift on the big side of the park and i see one of the kids spit on him and the other throw a snowball at him. Well we caught up with the kids later and just pushed them around a little bit, and after that they just left. There a bunch of immature little punks that have to learn their lesson, thats why they needed to be pushed around. Im not going to fight a little kid but as long as you give them a little fear they will cut their shit. So ski patrol please be on the look out and just kick these kids off the mountain, or someone a little crazy will eventually hurt one of these little bastrds pretty bad
  3. Well I hope since I am there in mid April it will not be this cold, lol As long as they are open, I dont care if conditions suck or not im bringing my board, just so I can get at least one more day in for this year
  4. Yea there are rinks are all over the place, well unless you live in center city Philadelphia and the closest rink besides the UPenn 1932 is the Wachovia Center and Spectrum, Im pretty sure your not getting any of there shavings
  5. So How Was it?
  6. Thank you for your feedback, I have been up there numerous amounts of times for hockey, its a fun place, but now since im older its a little beat, rather be in Montreal again this year where i can get into bars and have a good time, so since i can not get in the bars in Lake Placid I am hoping I can snowboard in my free time. Either way I will have a good time. Thanks once again though.
  7. Does anyone know or think that Whiteface will still be open with a nice covering the weekend from April 13-16. I have an ice hockey tournament at the olympic center and would like to ride whiteface. Thanks
  8. When I was there Saturday, the day of the park competition I saw a ski instructor take 5 little kids no older then 6 through the smaller park. I realize they are just trying to learn but there trying to learn how to ski not jump. The ski instructor should not take the kids through the park
  9. To have a nice size set up, how many trucks would you need to fill up if the trucks beds were 8 ft'
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