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Everything posted by firstoff

  1. How is the new season pass deal. I read back in the summer that they are switching the season pass routine up. anyone get it yet? good bad? I get mine hopefully this week.
  2. ill be there. as early as possible.
  3. email me.
  4. answering your question above..about jackets gloves, etc. to do all of that it is a little out of my range at this point. I am starting this from scratch. im working from hats and tshirts(sweatshirts windbreakers, etc) and working my way up. i dont really have a big money partner in this so i am basically doing it all myself. once i am at a point were i can do more. trust me i will. I will have winter hats. I plan on having a launch of the clothing by September at the latest. i like donuts by the way..
  5. i should be there. hopefully. i had off for the may 13th cause thats when the original date was. i hope i can swing it and take off on this friday instead.
  6. im still around! sorry i have not been on here in a bit. Papasteeze i have not recieved any emails from you. Email them to me again and i will reply. Again im sorry for not being around.
  7. they do work. caught my attention and stuck in my memory. haha good job!
  8. what shop was this?
  9. Thanks for eveyones comments. Yes skiers are welcome.(and not just freestyle skiers). I know that i do not have products yet but i believe advertising is a big part of a business. And i couldnt help coming to this site cause i saw stickers on just about every chair lift on jack frost/big boulder/blue mt. this year. My products will be out in a few months. hang in there with me! Thanks again to everyone that replied!
  10. Brand new clothing company from Atlantic City NJ/Albrighstville PA. We are looking for team riders! So if you skateboard, snowboard, ski, ride motocross, in a band or anything you think sponsor worthy hit us up! check out FIRST OFF CLOTHING CO. Our products will be out in a few months so check us out online and help support a local company.
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