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Everything posted by swiders16

  1. swiders16


  2. swiders16


    omg.. rhodo was so nice last night.. thanx for the heads up on how it was!
  3. swiders16


    How nice is Rhodo??? i can't wait to see it.. my friends say its nice.. what do you think????
  4. i think friday night would be best.. there is really nothing else to do up here... and i can blow off some of the HW that i don't do..
  5. swiders16


    wow.. skigurl.. as you know i have fallen many times.. take some Advil... it helps ..
  6. thanx BENIFIT
  7. i wish Rhodo would open like 2day.. thats like my all time favorite trail...
  8. thats awesome.. i wish camelback had one..
  9. i hope they will be at 100% this weekend.. even though i won't be there.. i wanna be able to do everything next week.
  10. i only get there about 10-15 times... i wish i could get there more.. but next year my good friend skigirlski can drive.. so we will get there a lot more.. and i hope to get a Season Pass... if i get money
  11. im mostly a slope rider... but last year i was doing Rhodo and this year i hope to do the pipe and the rails... but i don't know if that will happen. yeah.. im looking for a board that isn't too expensive.
  12. swiders16

    New Board

    for all your boarders.. what is the best kid of board to get.. b/c i don't really like the one i have now.. so help me!!!
  13. missy when do you ever wear it.. but i shouldn't be talking..
  14. im a boarder.. and i don't really mind the skiers.. but i think a lot of skiers have a problem with us sitting right in the middle of the trail... lol
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