QUOTE (AtomicSkier @ Mar 10 2009, 08:14 PM)
I'll bring my Glock...trust me...nobody is going to give anybody a ticket
It's all fun and games until someone brings their glock to the mtn.
In this day and age, statements like that aren't considered very smart or cool. And to come from a site administrator as well (embarrasing). I do enjoy and like most of what's on this site, but as I read some of the threads and posts, their content and specifically who is posting them, I'm becoming a bit dismayed by the site leadership. Lots of individuals and families ski with their kids up there simply to enjoy what the mountain has to offer...a good time. The last thing we need is someone getting so worked up because they got a whistle blown at them because they couldn't simply abide by the wishes of mountain mgmt and end up pulling a gun on some red coat vollie with an out of control whistle and ego!!! Next we gotta be patted down and walk thru metal detectors to get on the snow...? Worse, someone else (who may be alot less mentally stable) reads that comment and decides to do the same, but take it a step further...and (God forbid) someone gets shot!!! Now someone who just patrols so his family can enjoy all the fun that skiing and riding has to offer is seriously injured or dead...lovely, just lovely.
Perhaps you could step up and take the high road. Evidently, your crew has been skiing for years and I'm sure are good skiers and riders. Do what some of the others who post here suggest. Make those turns on another trail (I love Dreamweaver and Razors for setting a high edge and carving some big-assed turns on my Atomics...you too AtomicSkier? I see your nice angulation!). maybe set a good example to the others who can't ski / ride as well as you and make some sweet turns that they can follow and imitate rather than inticing the other wanna-be's to straight line Paradise as well and take out someones little kid (that happened to my 5 yr old daughter).
The idea of pissing off the patrol and berating them just isn't cool in my book, and judging by the post of several others, not cool by them either. Granted... I watched the patrollers that were highlighted on the show and thought it was very poor judgement on both the part of the producers of the show and the patrol for allowing them to portray the patrol in that manner. Their actions on the show and their treatment of the skiers and boarders were embarrasing to say the least. I have had the good fortune not to have encountered the ones who are dicks. Hopefully they can be taken care of from within now that mgmt knows what's going on by way of your meeting with them. I'd get pretty pissed off as well if chased me into the parking lot and threaten to call the police (pretty over the top to say the least). My few brief encounters with them and their whistles have been relatively polite and I get the idea from them that most of them don't like being the "mountain police". They get their orders from mgmt as you well know and I'm sure they'd rather be doing almost anything but blowing whistles at outta control beginners and racer wanna-be's who like to use Paradise as a training run (packs of them piss me off too and no one seems to stop them, as you've noted as well). So I'm with you to a point. I don't like assholes who like to throw their weight around and treat people like shit just because they wear a red jacket. I also don't like people who intentionally break the rules just to piss others off and make their point like a bunch of juvenile delinquents. There are better ways. Your meeting w/ mgmt was the way to go. Stick w/ that...up front, respectful and matter of fact. Mgmt will listen to that much more closely than the other way and getting good results will be much more likely.
Back to the reason I took the time to register and post here for the first (and perhaps the last) time. Please leave the glock at home. I'm quite sure you posted that only in jest, but it wasn't right, especially considering your position within this website. If I want to be caught in any crossfire, I'll go stand in the middle of west Philly and start screaming racist comments. Keep this website on the enjoyable and informative side. Now feel free to berate me as you wish like you do to First Grade Teacher....I've said my peace and will continue to sit back and read the posts for the mostly good hearted humor and some pretty good up to date information that it provides. Thanks...
Now its back to the burm for me (if their is anything left)