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About poconovfr

  • Birthday 11/07/1965

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    Anyting free or cheap.Blizzard Bonafides Watea 84's AND A HOST OF OTHER ASSORTED FUN STUFF.
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    wearing a helmet.....speed and scaring the crap out of myself.

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  1. Got that from a pretty reliable source who works up there.
  2. Word on the street is Camelback will be charging everyone for parking this coming season. Not sure if this legit or not but what the fuck. $10 a car from what I understand. Supposedly contracted out a company to come in and park cars. They'll need to pass that expense along. See you boys at Blue this coming season.
  3. New trail is alright. Its tough to run it the way it designed. To many people. It also fucked up the left line on the rocket. Herb station. The trail should have been directly under the chair, that's the line that would have been sweet. The new trail is designed to be run like a x course. When you can get it with no bodies in the way its fun and that doesn't happen very often an empty trail at cbk.
  4. Important thing is he was out there with you.... My wife is a strong level 2 and that's all she aspires to be. She's a cruiser kinda' gal and it just kills the kids to have to pop out of the woods or off the steeps to take some cruiser runs with mom. lol ....important thing is she's out there.
  5. They'll pull it off. Just was a little taken back at what I saw that wasn't happening. Then I sit and realize it's two chairs and you can pretty much see the top from the bottom. lol
  6. poconovfr


    Raced 7 when I was younger. Toured most of the state in my teens and 20's. I live on the east side so I ski on the east side, and let's be honest if you're gonna' drive more then 2.5 hours is it gonna' be to Seven Springs or the knob. Sure there's stuff that has some pitch out there...for about 300 vert. Not sure that's gonna' make me sweat it. I can hike more shit locally in the woods that'll pucker me up. Just sayin'.
  7. No. Chairs are still lying in wait of inspection. I saw no guns out around the base. The lodge was no where near complete. It's a project to say the least. Oh and the "new" bridge is the old structure with new side rails.
  8. ....then there's that one day when you're kids our as good as you.
  9. Man I was over there last week dropping off their new/used ski grinder. Holy shit there's a pile of work left to do. If they're ready by Christmas it'll be short of a miracle. But somehow as with most ski areas they'll pull it off.
  10. Pennsylvania and Little Cloud will be open. Don't kid yourself it doesn't take long to pack traffic on just two trails. If it gets busy and I have this feeling it might, it could be a real shit show. Then again it is early and typically in past years the Thanksgiving weekend crowd is mild. Sure wish they had more open for ya'. The kids will have a blast. You're gonna' be like WTF? Best news of the season is the downstairs bar now takes plastic. Sweet. As far as the stashes....well you're gonna' have to come back and get a guided tour. If I post'em on line they won't be stashes anymore.lol
  11. Yes..yes there is. I like to consider it extra training.
  12. If we have snow like last season the glades policy is "be safe and try not to get hurt". Other than that ...go. Growing up skiing all these hills I still find more stashes at Shawnee then anywhere else. Have fun.
  13. poconovfr


    Elk is as good a hill as anything else in Pa. I wouldn't pay full pop for a ticket...then again I wouldn't pay full pop for a ticket anywhere in Pa. With that said you can find the occasional $20 day at Elk which makes the trip worth it.
  14. something so good got fucked up so bad
  15. Man I am just to greedy and to selfish to stop and take pics. Looks like an epic day. Stoked me up, I'll be at Saddleback this time next week. I'm so pumped. Thanks for the primer.
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