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Everything posted by poconovfr

  1. Got a good look a things today. The dump in to Cliff Hanger is just about top speed in the flats. Should be interesting to say the least. If you like to warp it keep an eye on skiers left just as you begin to set up for the last launch to the Stephenson.
  2. ............yep epic is a good word. Epically screwed up one of the best tree drops on the mountain. It's Wally World man Wally World
  3. Season passes have always been the lowest price in the area. They cater to never evers. CBK was a total zoo this past weekend and while we were fairly crowded there was no more then a 5 minute wait. If you now the chairs there is usually no wait. The staff there is great,the base area layout is perfect,the down stairs bar is awesome with a good variety on tap and they give away free cookies on the weekend mornings as you come over the bridge. Nuf sed. Yes there is a ton of trees if you know where to go. All lift served with some decent pitch. We've a little over a foot in the woods right now, next good storm opens up lots of fun stuff. I'd be more then happy to give a tour.
  4. not so accurate...unless you're in Maine. .....................time for a new weather man
  5. ..........lil bird told me this Friday
  6. it sure does and the fluffers are attached to the groomers.......with beers in hand.
  7. new mountain coaster should stir up some more herbs
  8. So I'll admit I'm a round crayon amongst you sharp ones. Is this the beginning of a down hill mt bike season or was this a one day deal. Oh please tell me it's lift served every weekend? Please tell me I can go and bust the shit up out of myself within a 40 min ride? This would make my summer. No water park to contend with....no mall herbs.....say it isn't so.
  9. So Friday I think I saw you guys out with Patrolman Simpson.............. and Saturday I'm pretty sure I kept passing you guys at the tops of trails looking down............ And I know I saw a large gathering on the Rocket waiting on some guy who yard saled............. Well that's it for me.........after 75 days and well over a million vert. it's time to crack out the two wheeled fun. Wish I would have had the adventure of sharing a beer with you guys.....maybe next season.
  10. I'm planning for the afternoon.....when it's warm ..and sunny....and the women take off thier clothes.......and the beer just taste better.....say 2:00 or so.
  11. The mechanic has left as well after 12 years. I didn't see anything in favor of the pass holders this year. If anything it's taken a step away from the skier and toward the noob.Now I'm all for promoting the sport but the noobs are not skiing this time of the year the pass holder is. Drop the 15.00 buck parking charge clowns. Let some bumps build and loosen up your collars a bit......the season is over and if no money was made this year pack it in 'cause it's the busiest I've seen this place in years.Then I heard rumors of mountain biking. Nooooooo.....................not another mountain creek. I can't take another mall resembled ski area in such close proximity.Of course that rumor was nixxed.....I'm sure it would have been a slight problem to get the DEP to go along with that. lol And this is for the bartenders........at 4.25 a draft how much tip did you think you were gonna' get? I didn't set the prices so talk to the guys in charge and change the tude. Bottom line...the day a high speed touches ground at Elk,I'm gone. There will be just a few others as well. Elk somehow caters to the skiers......what a concept. Then again Elk's mgt. team has got more brains than that. I think they are real happy having real skiers enjoy their real mountain.
  12. I'm with ya' on all that but you know as well as I management needs to see people. Those crew members you are assuming are doing nothing are getting the water park ready for the white trash. Even the upper mgt. guys are whining 'cause"we don't get a break anymore". I'd love to see it but it's not smart business and if you've been a pass holder for a while you know that Art and the boys are all about maximizing the buck.Dude they are still charging 15.00 dollars to park. Did you see the upper lot last weekend.....about 30 cars. Way to piss everyone off boys. Besides it's golf/bike/motorcycle/dirt bike season. No one but the hard cores left. See ya' Saturday.
  13. Dude, if they have not tossed my ass out in the last three weeks.......I've given them every opportunity .....you are go to go. Turn up the volume and bring on the dancin' girls. And yes you can travel at high rates of speed on the mile. Gotta' do it once.......just once.
  14. WERD! Really......word on the street is you have a tendency of pissing off herbs and Patrol with your low altitude high speed fly bye's.
  15. Yeah man,the lifties get bored when there is just no one to load.
  16. None of the front four are bumped .........it's spring and we have no bumps ......I guess if you want to call lower Cleo a bump run go ahead but the uphill skate back to the Sullivan is more of a workout. hahaha Now there is a chance if we can recruite some of the Ski School slackers and this crew....maybe,just maybe we could build a nice line or two on one of them. I'll prolly roll in around 10-11 on Friday and depending on temps mid-morning on Sat and Sun. Parking at the Sun Bowl Area is key if you want to um...er...let your dog out for a walk...and have a beer and er...um....you get the point. Also you can change and head to the lift from the parking lot. Also, it's where all the cool people park.
  17. I'll prolly be hangin' around some place. Goin' really fast.
  18. WERD! Oh remember the days with no one there and VW sized bumps all over the hill.
  19. Man, if all you slackers show up it may be a better/bigger crowd than last week..............come to think of it,we may get enough able skiers to build a real bump line. Now that would be nice.
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