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About Rose

  • Birthday November 19

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Jub jub
  2. sorry, its been sold
  3. this is a really great conversation about radar detectors...does anyone want to actually buy one?
  4. It's a cobra radar detector which plugs into a cigarette lighter it has different settings for city and highway driving the chirping will get louder as you get closer to the target, you can mute it so it will only flash and it has an intelli-mute button which i never used but i think it will only go off if its actually a cop it picks up many different forms of signals (ex: x, k, kg. v, s...) and a different number will light up depending on the vehicle. The night i got it i drove from atlantic city to my home about 60 miles away in about 30 minutes, which was probably not the best idea but it made me more confident riving up to the mountain at higher speeds definitely and it never failed. All this hype makes me think i should just keep it..Its still going for $50 so let me know if you want it. Ill post pictures later today. Peace
  5. I was given a radar detector as a present and used it briefly, but now that i will be in school for the next 2 and a half years straight(and no car), i have no use for it. i know it sold for over $100, and it has all the normal features and specifies what vehicle is near (ie: ambulance. police, overhead radar...) I'm looking for $50. If anyone is interested ill try to get more info and post some pictures. Thanks.
  6. Rose

    Rossi Saphirs

    around 200 is what im looking for for the skis and bindings
  7. Rose

    Rossi Saphirs

    if you are interested, john, we can talk about a price
  8. Rose

    Rossi Saphirs

    i have a pair of 03 160 rossi saphirs laying around that would be happier if they were put to use they were only used 3 times and are in mint condition they have marker m5.2 bindings on them which were also used only 3 times i happened to aquire a pair of volkl vpros right after the purchase of the rossis and solely used the volkls for about two years, so the rossis were forgotten in the back of a closet they are great skis though!
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