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Everything posted by skifreak

  1. Bear had a write up on this today on the front page of The Morning Call. The article also talked about how other resorts are dealing with this mild weather.
  2. It was flurrying pretty much here today.
  3. Justin, I think you mean challenge and not razors. Its easy to mix them up since they are side by side. Doug, we fogot to mention that low flying plane I swore it wasn't going to make it over the mountain. For a minute I thought it was Danger using up his introductory flight. Then I realized he was in Vermont
  4. Sounds good, Danger.
  5. Believe me, I'm sure they want to blow snow just as much as you want them too. They just can't, its too warm for them.
  6. I left for blue as soon as I got out of school today because I had to do stuff around 6. I got there on the mountain at 2:40 and skied until about 5. Met up with Doug for my last few runs. Lazy Mile was a combination of things, but was mainly sugary. On the outside of it there was scraped off snow. Falls was pretty solid tonight. They blew snow on only the trails they had opened it looked like last night. On the lift ride up on the 6 pack I saw a cow and pointed it out to Doug. He said thats what toast or someone said about "got milk". I'm thinking I'll go again tomorrow night. If they blow again tonight, the conditions should be even better. I hope it gets cold soon so that they can start to open up more terrain, but if they can't I won't complain with what they have open.
  7. Glad to see you finally figured this out
  8. I'm going to give it a whirl this season. Seems to be fun at blue from what everyone said last year.
  9. Thats what they are forecasting, but I'm sure it will change again.
  10. Its because they rely on natural snow and not snowmaking This year however there seems to be a drought of snow.
  11. Why would you not go to Vermont? Who cares if they only have that many trails open? They are probably better and longer than any trails in PA!
  12. They will be fine. The mountain faces in the right direction to save the snow.
  13. Danger, I think I speak for everyone hear when I say this. PLEASE stop jinxing the weather. Now the cold is coming back at the end of next week (if that forcast is even correct)
  14. Just saw this too
  15. It looks like this warm up will not be as bad as first thought.
  16. skifreak

    ski bindings

    Oh ok. I thought you meant the cheap ones
  17. skifreak

    ski bindings

    Did they have twins in the 80's? I always thought that was something more recent.
  18. Helmets are a good idea. Even if your going like a mad man and hit a tree and it does little to protect you, its better than nothing. Plus they keep your head warmer than with a hat or beanie on.
  19. skifreak

    ski bindings

    I wouldn't really use these bindings
  20. Nice. Thats so cool you have a little hill in your development
  21. Plenty of snow, no bare spots at all or rocks.
  22. It was actually better than I thought it would be. It wasn't really icy or covered with so many death cookies (atleast when I was there earlier in the day). Its the first day, its not going to be prime conditions just yet.
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