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Everything posted by skifreak

  1. On my helmet or on ski999's? If your talking to me one is already on.
  2. Nice PASR sticker
  3. That pic is decieving its actually steep!
  4. Oh no the t-t-t-tourists are coming lol.
  5. Yeah that thing takes forever to get up.
  6. congrats!
  7. Simply awesome dude! This is simply amazing.
  8. skifreak

    Jf race

    So he went off the trail and slammed into a bolder...yikes hopefully he died on impact and didn't feel anything. So was he pretty young?
  9. Yeah bears trails aren't that good for riding around on. At bear when it warms up and rains that place really takes a sh*t because you get huge barespots and from what I hear now its really icy.
  10. skifreak

    Jf race

    Oh ok, thanks sib because I thought that it was that kind of race but I guess its not I kind of doubted it because of it being in PA. So the race is named after a racer? Wow I always thought it was named after one of the coches or something like that.
  11. skifreak

    Glen lodge

    Well I can tell you this it wasn't me.
  12. skifreak

    Glen lodge

    sounds like something davek did.
  13. From what my friend said but I'm not sure cuz I wasn't there (maybe justo could classify)but he said that its real icy over there and with the rain I don't think its going to help.
  14. skifreak

    Jf race

    The crochony was today? Man I thought that was done earlier in the season but I guess not. Anywho great job thats the race that ended my fine carrer a few years back. Skidude perhaps you good tell me as I do not know...is this that race that cb holds that has all the tops skiers in the east or is that another one I am thinking of?
  15. I said it before and I'll say it again if your a park rat go to bear if you want to ride trails go to blue simple as that.
  16. I cannot believe it I was even going to go down it the last two race officials were leaving as I went up the quad and crossed over it. I was for sure I would have met you today because this is the earliest I ever got there and may I say how empty it is in the morning! Anyway if my fat uncle didn't have to stop at the Whitehall Diner to eat breakfast I probably would have met you.
  17. You see I was heading to the other side of the mountain after they just opened razors edge I just missed you by a few mins! This is post 1000 for me!
  18. Went up to blue this morning and conditions were excellent. The snow was packed down on trails but on most they had a coating of powder on top. Switchback had plenty of powder on it and I literally had the trail to myself.
  19. skifreak

    Jf race

    Are those fischers your skiing on?
  20. Good luck and don't blow it!
  21. b-b-b-barespots?
  22. I often just ride up the challenge lift instead of the quad on busy days IMO I think it goes faster than waiting in the quads line.
  23. Hey volkl, I'm just curious, did you ever ski at wisp down in Maryland if you did how did it compare to skiing in PA?
  24. 'dude-what is the name of the place where the race was?
  25. The guy bringing you down fell!?!? Oh man thats priceless.
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