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Everything posted by skifreak

  1. The day Blue bans tailgating in the lot, you know a donation button will go up on this site and the PASR SuperPAC will get that overturned.
  2. This new policy is sure to spark more outrage then the fishing pond and tp4 statue. #notmyblue
  3. And now we see why the lifts get inspected.
  4. Came across this interesting video on Youtube from 1990. Basically it was an old ski lift they were taking down in Colorado and they put it through all kinds of failures to see what would happen. If you have 20 minutes to waste, it's interesting to watch. The 5 to 6 minute mark was crazy to watch the chairs fly off in reverse.
  5. God told me toast said "OK".
  6. Widowmaker is going to be beyond titty deep if these totals keep rising.
  7. The buoy popped and God told me it is going to snow. Everyone just remain calm.
  8. Really depends on the bank. The main bank I use for financing was stated income and they didn't verify it unless something raised red flags. But ever since they got bought out, they have been more strict and occasionally asking for proof of income. One I sold saturday has to bring me a paystub for the bank.
  9. I have a far better success rate getting people approved that live over the mountain in Carbon/Schuylkill. Their income is about the same as Allentown but their expenses are less. Believe it or not, the people in the New Tripoli area are very wealthy. Mainly because they live on huge farms and as farmers they are thrifty. They usually pay cash because they don't believe in loans. Contrary to popular belief, most people who HAVE money typically buy late model used cars that I sell. The broke people or questionable ones, usually buy new. I attract people from Allentown, hell even from Delaware they drive up to the sticks to buy from me.
  10. Honestly from what I see when people apply for financing, most people don't even make $60,000. And around here it's hard to make a go of it on 60, especially if you have kids.
  11. Five times your age for income? Shit, I better start moving more metal to catch up. No way is $100,000 realistic for a college grad unless you went for some specialized field and are in the top of your class. Hell, the baby boomers keep telling people my age that "They think they graduate school and start making the big bucks, $60,000 right away." There's that $60,000 number again lol. Must be the benchmark.
  12. Those guys know how to get after it!
  13. This must be the same buoy that 3 weeks after it "pops" widowmaker is titty deep at blue.
  14. My uncle who smokes like a chimney went to Seattle with his girlfriend to visit her family 2 years ago. I bet he was shaking and chewing on cigarettes the whole way. Probably contemplated tampering with the smoke alarm in the bathroom a few times too.
  15. Nope didn't see that. Only reason I went out there is because how cheap I bought the property for. Doing mainly wholesale and only selling a handful of units to the public, it works for my needs.
  16. That shit wouldn't fly in the ole RayTuthill Days!
  17. I don't know if it still works or not, but if you clear your internet browsing history you can keep viewing articles on their site. Before I got some ridiculous offer for online viewing, I just used to go on their site from IE which I never use and keep clearing the history.
  18. According to The Morning Call a teenager was killed in an accident at Shawnee Mountain. http://www.mcall.com/news/nationworld/pennsylvania/mc-teen-killed-shawnee-mountain-ski-area-0113-20170113-story.html#nt=oft12aH-2gp5
  19. I went to Cici's in Whitehall when it first opened. My first and last time there. I think it was right before everything fell apart in 2008 if memory serves me correct. The further south you go on MacArthur Road, the more ghetto it is. It's really bad by Home Depot and White Castle.
  20. Except for WM which will be titty deep.
  21. That and you know your local school district is going to jack up your school taxes. You can't catch a break.
  22. I could not wait for the election to be over. I was hoping regardless who won, it would get people back out and spending money. It seems the exact opposite has happened. The Dow's flirting with 20,000 and the news keep saying consumer confidence is at an all time high. I'd like to know where because I don't see it anywhere. It's like they say what they want to hear, sort of like how Hillary was going to win and then all of a sudden Trump wins. Two weeks ago I was at the pizza place down from my lot. He says business has been the worst it's ever been. Then a guy who stops in all the time who delivers heating fuels says that although he's "busy" making deliveries, people are sticking him on payment. The funeral home I used to work at is barely hanging on because more people are going with cremation which is less money. Then to top it off people arrange a payment plan and either drag out making payment or end up sticking you for the majority. Besides my car dealership, I still sell my snowmakers that you can make snow at home with. 5 years ago I would sell a ton. People would not think twice about buying them. Besides the snowmaker you had to spend money on a compressor and pressure washer. For the last few years sales have pretty much dried up. In the summer I sell misting systems. Both those businesses are just like the ski resorts. It's all weather dependent for your success and more importantly how much extra money people have to spend. This past summer was one of the hottest across this country and my misting system sales were down nearly 50% from last year, which was also down but not nearly that much. I figured people were worried about the election but I was wrong. Hell my uncle has a trucking company and he's down almost 75% from last year. That's ridiculous. I see people come in here and struggle to buy a car. I can't even begin to tell you all how bad off people are. It's the people you wouldn't even expect either. People living in $500,000+ homes and if the water heater took a crap they couldn't come up with $500 to replace it in a hurry without a credit card. Dude it's absolutely terrible here. I keep 15 retail units on my lot to sell to the public. I haven't sold one since 10/28. That's a 60 day streak of no selling. Unbelievable and I never had that happen. These are the slow times normally but this is exceptional. I've been selling wholesale at auction and it's off there majorly. The auction reps that stop in say everyone is complaining. Our overhead keeps going up with the vendors (Carfax, Autotrader etc.) but the profits are falling or customers aren't buying or can't get a loan. I think if the subprime auto loans burst like they keep talking about it will only keep getting worse. Thank god I own my location outright and have no mortgage and I own all my vehicles. I can weather just about any storm. I bought some cars last week from a major dealer who needed to make payroll. My uncle worked 11 years at Honda and he jumped ship to Kia because they aren't even selling Honda's. He would have stayed but the store has now decided to start catering to people with poor credit. That to me was a real eye opener and every day on the radio I hear the dealer advertising how they cater to people with bad credit.
  23. Honestly, I think they are all trying to make up for the terrible season last year. That's why the other day I made the comment about blue being empty for a holiday week. I know the weather wasn't all that great, but I still feel like there should have been more people out with being off etc. This week and President's Day is when they need to really make their money. Based on what I see in my business and hear from other business owners, I just think people are so broke they aren't going. Like Doug said, you take a family out there with rentals and it's nearly $500 and that's assuming no lodging. I feel for these ski resorts because I know the overhead is high and a bad season really hurts. Normally when they get a bad season the following year is normally good and helps their bottom line. This year they got an early start but if they can't get people out and spend money, it's probably not going to help matters.
  24. Place looks like a ghost town. You'd think with the holiday there would be more people out?
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